Obama Wins

I'm kinda for revoking the rights of the ones who abuse it. Basically, blacks have rights, "my pals" can go back to dealing with 60s style segregation. But, I'm not running for office, so I can say that.
Goddamn you've gotten retarded lately Stormo.

He has.

I'd take my pals over most of my own kind anyday. And not because they're "cool", because they're genuine.

In The Captains eyes, a white my pals should be no different than a black my pals. And they're all around you no matter where you live. A thug is a thug.
I think you generalize the race too much as well. Stop defending the black equivalent of trailer trash.
When's the last time you refrained some saying something belittling to one person or an entire group of people? Seems like all you do is piss and moan anymore. If you're not whining about being butthurt by Undefined you're complaining about shit you don't even know anything about. Are you even aware that every single American that has the right vote can chose anyone they fucking want to? Even themselves?
I think you generalize the race too much as well. Stop defending the black equivalent of trailer trash.

I'm not. I defend the black equivalent that may be hustling, may speak in ebonics, may blast music you don't want to hear in their car, but won't steal from, or rob you, and are genuinely good men trying to make it out of the ghetto with the sorry cards they've been dealt in life.
When's the last time you refrained some saying something belittling to one person or an entire group of people? Seems like all you do is piss and moan anymore.
Lately, there's been a lot to piss and moan about on this board, frankly. It might be just me, but this board is no longer what it used to be. Either people get all snippy just because someone says something they don't like*, or they post inane "postin'-style" messages. The few great threads we have quickly fall to the bottom, drowned in meaningless crap.

If you're not whining about being butthurt by Undefined you're complaining about shit you don't even know anything about. Are you even aware that every single American that has the right vote can chose anyone they fucking want to? Even themselves?
1) I'm not butthurt by Undefined, I just resent the guy's attention-whoring
2) And what, exactly, don't I know anything about? The American voting system?
3) Yeah, they can choose whomever they want to, but all votes that don't go to the two large parties are wasted anyway, so that's pretty useless.

I love Kevin for the simple fact he always speaks his mind about the members even if he'll catch shit for it. And I agree by the way.
Why will he catch shit for it? I don't mind people speaking out when they have a problem, at least that way it can be talked about in a mature fashion. Little pussies who jump on the bandwagon when someone has the balls to speak out and shout "Me too!", on the other hand...

*including myself lately, I admit it
I'm not. I defend the black equivalent that may be hustling, may speak in ebonics, may blast music you don't want to hear in their car, but won't steal from, or rob you, and are genuinely good men trying to make it out of the ghetto with the sorry cards they've been dealt in life.
Stop speaking in ebonics, stop hustling, turn that shit down. Those are the first steps to losing niggerdom and getting out of the hood.
Lately, there's been a lot to piss and moan about on this board, frankly. It might be just me, but this board is no longer what it used to be. Either people get all snippy just because someone says something they don't like*, or they post inane "postin'-style" messages. The few great threads we have quickly fall to the bottom, drowned in meaningless crap.
There's a simple solution to this problem you've made up in your head and I'm pretty sure you know what it is. It's always there for you if you ever decide to utilize it.
1) I'm not butthurt by Undefined, I just resent the guy's attention-whoring
2) And what, exactly, don't I know anything about? The American voting system?
3) Yeah, they can choose whomever they want to, but all votes that don't go to the two large parties are wasted anyway, so that's pretty useless.

1) That sounds like being butthurt to me. Seriously, why would even let someone that has absolutely NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on your personal life bother you, to the point that it actually irritates you?

2) It would appear that way if you think we really only have two choices.

3) Depends on your definition of a wasted vote. I completely disagree with you.

I almost made this three separate posts, but I'm tired of seeing you complain all the time about shit that doesn't matter.
Why will he catch shit for it? I don't mind people speaking out when they have a problem, at least that way it can be talked about in a mature fashion. Little pussies who jump on the bandwagon when someone has the balls to speak out and shout "Me too!", on the other hand...

*including myself lately, I admit it
I see this as you being butthurt a little bit more.
There's a simple solution to this problem you've made up in your head and I'm pretty sure you know what it is. It's always there for you if you ever decide to utilize it.
I don't think this is a problem I've just made up. Anyway, good job being honest and letting me know how you feel, Kevin. I'll PM you the rest of my answer, so I don't give certain people an excuse for being even more obnoxious.
Stop speaking in ebonics, stop hustling, turn that shit down. Those are the first steps to losing niggerdom and getting out of the hood.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't say anything, as I'm completely unaffected by this where I live. However, every time I go home to the US I'm shocked by things that I wasn't shocked about before with the behavior of some black people. I didn't remember them being so blatantly rude, ignorant, disrespectful, and uneducated. I wonder if I was just desensitized to it or if they really have regressed.
I know the worst of them. I think you generalize the race too much, and include many that don't deserve to be grouped into it.


word up bish