VA pride

Lol, fucking awesome. Always wondered what that webcomic was called.

Also, can anyone give me the speed at which that "Click Robot adjustments" tab is played? Sounds fun.
dude come on neal, that second strip is pretty much the most perfect capture of being high i have ever seen, you of all people!
i knew you'd say that, and i get it, its just....does it need some back story on who these critters are? why the hell are they smoking in a bathroom? if its just supposed to be random thoughts....its dumb. the olde time football getup almost cracked a smile but i was mostly thinking this bear is a moron and his thoughts are retarded. sorry. maybe im too 'hardcore' a stoner to still have a bunch of random silly thoughts or something? .......but all i have are random silly thoughts. i dunno, whatever. boo teddy bears.

really, the only webcomic i like is cyanide and happiness