you should also consider that you're not voting for one person, but for a bunch of puppet masters. bush was just a (bad) represantation figure for a bunch of thieves and madmen
you should also consider that you're not voting for one person, but for a bunch of puppet masters. bush was just a (bad) represantation figure for a bunch of thieves and madmen
I think Obama is no better than Bush or all the rest of them."same monkey in a different suit" I think they all have a lot invested($$)in war. I think the elections are a show/carnival. I think it's all pre-planed. No matter who "wins" we will go to war with Iran. Thats all that matters. The mission is go to war with both Iran & Pakistan with or without americans approval, but there sure trying to sell it! Putting on the big "Change Show". Obama has been saying over and over "we need to get out of Iraq and go into Iran". He lost my vote just like that. I don't believe in the whole terrorist lie. I think we need to look in the mirror. There we find the terrorist and WOMD. (Well not me personally I'm a vegan tree hugger) So I won't vote, it wouldn't count anyway (florida we can't count). http://rawstory.com/news/2007/FOX_Obama_related_to_Bush_Cheney_1017.html It's all in the family folks it's a big private club and your not invited. So go on be a patriot (blind submission) and vote and fight and pay to line there pockets. God bless the USA. yay! or as I call it USA Inc.
Disclaimer: The preceding rant in no way reflects the views of UMF and belong solely to SocialNumb Inc.
God I need to get laid. I can't believe I'm wasting my time reading/responding to this shit.
By definition, international trade is the exchange of goods and services across national borders. Historically the currencies of nations involved were backed by precious metals (typically using some form of Gold Standard), which would cause a nation operating under a trade imbalance to send precious metals (economic goods in and of themselves) to correct any trade imbalances. In the current scheme of fiat money, the U.S. government is free to print all the money it wants. Consequentially, the government cannot technically go bankrupt as any debtor nation can just issue more money through a practice known as seigniorage.
What seems to be the issue? Have my FACTs angered you?just kidding. I hope that wasn't directed at me, though.
Really I'm not opposed to Obama, his foreign policy seems to be solid and he was fine as an Illinois state senator. I just wonder why no-one else is complaining about the fact that he's given the U.S. senate a back seat to his campaign.
I'm perfectly happy in the US, living my day-to-day life dreaming about gear, playing guitar, getting better at recording, playing video games, working towards graduating college, about to start a paid internship - call me self-centered, but I don't see how you, 006, as well as other US residents can want to leave so desperately. I love NYC and its surrounding area, and I don't ever plan on leaving!
yeah sure:No Bush was one of the puppetmasters. He's a pure businessman with less interest in leadership than past presidents, as well as McCain and Obama.