If the Danes were voting today, Obama would get 85% of the votes, according to (a not very scientific) "exit poll" made today...
Damn, now i can't decide between Obama or a new Black Metal project by Mister Gold :loco:
Seriously, i can't believe that the Americans are going to elect McCain/Palin !!!

....Indeed, time for a change !
Damn, now i can't decide between Obama or a new Black Metal project by Mister Gold :loco:
Seriously, i can't believe that the Americans are going to elect McCain/Palin !!!

....Indeed, time for a change !

Who said they are going to elect him? Obama was leading in the polls for the last two weeks, I know that doesn't mean much until the final votes are in but still, I think it's going to be Obama for sure.
Woe is me. The election of Obama will hurt not just Americans but those around the world who trade with the US, and who trade with the US's trading partners. It will slow development in the third world and implement more feel-good, left-wing policies that do nothing but slow the world down.
I am very pessimistic, especially because Australia also has a PM who's far too left for my liking. Australia is no longer in a good position in the world.
Woe is me. The election of Obama will hurt not just Americans but those around the world who trade with the US, and who trade with the US's trading partners. It will slow development in the third world and implement more feel-good, left-wing policies that do nothing but slow the world down.
I am very pessimistic, especially because Australia also has a PM who's far too left for my liking. Australia is no longer in a good position in the world.

Well, it's not like the far right leader we have now has put the US in a good position in the world...