Bryant Mr. Sleepy Apr 14, 2002 8,308 46 48 56 Sweet home Alabama Visit site Dec 1, 2003 #21 If you like old-school metal, the former lead singer of Metal Church, Mike Howe had a band called TheHeretic and a release called "Breaking Point." It was a killer CD. Bryant
If you like old-school metal, the former lead singer of Metal Church, Mike Howe had a band called TheHeretic and a release called "Breaking Point." It was a killer CD. Bryant
spaffe Geisterglut Feb 25, 2002 5,163 6 38 41 Sverige Dec 1, 2003 #23 Negura Bunget! romanian black metal galore
Dev UTF-8 professional Dec 9, 2002 3,362 6 38 39 Paris Dec 1, 2003 #24 Septic Flesh's three first albums : Mystic Places Of Dawn , Esoptron and Ophidian Wheel
dimensionidol free thinker Jul 21, 2002 1,263 3 38 54 north of italy Visit site Dec 1, 2003 #25 -megace -secrecy -zed Yago -xentrix -toxik