Observations from 2004


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Some things I've found:

1. "Leviathan" by Mastodon is the most overrated album of the year... and the most overrated album for quite a few years. Maybe I need to give it another go.

2. Australia is to Kiss what Japan is to every other band in the world.

3. Taking a break for a few weeks does wonders.

4. Going to the gym is easier than it sounds.

5. It took a murder for me to find out what a good album Cowboys From Hell is.

6. A rack that holds 100 DVDs isn't always big enough for one's collection.

7. It's difficult to come up with more than 6 observations in this sort of thread.
Spiff said:
Some things I've found:

1. "Leviathan" by Mastodon is the most overrated album of the year... and the most overrated album for quite a few years. Maybe I need to give it another go.

completely agree with you there, Spiff.
Never heard of that band!

What a fucked year. Deaths I can recall:

Randy Castillo (this year?)
David Hookes
Christopher Reeve
My friend's older brother, who I used to work with, drove into an oncoming truck on purpose
My aunt's 40yo sister

Any others? 2005 can only get better.
A few things I learned this year:

1. I think Princess Diana was murdered.
2. Thirsty Merc are brilliant
3. George Michael smokes too much pot.

Things I learnt;

1 - While they aren't all necissarily evil, alot of women I've known turn out to be heartless bitches
2 - Going through a band break-up is fucking hard
3 - Growing your hair isn't as easy as it sounds
4 - Employers suck
A few things I learned this year:

1. You should cherish the things and especially the people who mean the world to you, because when they're gone you'll really know it and it's not a very nice feeling.

2. Life has a funny way of keeping it's balance and making you accountable for everything you've done, be they good or bad.

3. Perseverance can really pay off.

4. 2005 is gonna be a fucking busy year!

5. I like ice cream. (OK, so I knew that already... but now I'm sure of it! :D )
Lord Tim said:
1. You should cherish the things and especially the people who mean the world to you, because when they're gone you'll really know it and it's not a very nice feeling.
I'm still here for you, pumpkin. *smooch*