A couple of MOMD observations

Going back to Lars' drumming in Metallica. I was watching the St Anger rehearsals DVD agaiin today, and during St. Anger he was really hammering out double bass kick, but he was off beat and out of tiime for long periods. Maybe he's just concentrating on keeping time now rather than be flashy, which IMO just isn't good enuff. Charlie manages to do it without missing a beat, why can't Lars? It surely cant be an age thing, as they'd be of a similar age. I just cant put my finger on it. But I'm looking forward to seeing both Anthrax and Metallica live a weekend apart in Ireland in June.
Ulster Mosher said:
Charlie manages to do it without missing a beat, why can't Lars?
Because Lar$ is a worthless piece of shit, floating around in the toilet, waiting to be pissed on... by ME!
Besides that, he's pretty cool.
Rozy157 said:
1. It has never been more apparent to me than now, that WCFYA is their best album to date. That material KILLS live.
2. The John Bush era music is so much more relevant today than the old stuff. From the White Noize material onward, the Bush material ripped and could be on the radio today. The older stuff, while cool, just seems that: OLD. I'm making myself feel old with those comments, since I've been a die hard fan since 1990, but that's the truth.
3. Dissapointed with Belly of the Beast. POT is my favorite "old school" record but the sound just wasn't too hot on that song.
4. Fueled surprised me a bit....I never cared for that song too much back in the day but seemed really fresh on the DVD.
5. Inside Out could possibly be one of the best Anthrax songs ever recorded. The band hit another level completely playing that song. AWESOME.
6. They need to retire Indians, permanently. The music is really good, but god those lyrics are retarded.
7. I Am Law was MUCH better with Bush singing. He gives that song the edge it always needed.

That's one man's opinion. Overall 4.5 out of 5 stars. GREAT DVD.

(As an aside note, I just saw the Metallica/Godsmack show, and over 50% of the folks I was with felt Godsmack was better than Metallica live. It was also the first time I have EVER seen people sitting down at a Metallica concert. I couldn't believe it. That band is missing Jason Newsted SEVERELY right now. They sounded good, and were trying, but they have lost a few steps. Sully flat owned the arena that night.)
ive always thought of godsmack as a metallica cover band anyway lol,they should sound just like them by now!!!
Inside Out said:
is it just me or does that lil drum solo seem just a tease. i wish that Anthrax would do something i've seen other places. let one of the guys, Scott for instance, play a few minute solo or something to get the crowd going and then the rest come back and play more. the have Joey Vera(or hopefully Frankie again someday soon) come out and play a bass solo. then more songs then just let everyone have solo's in there so that the band can rest in shifts so to speak. and then play longer shows. I know if they were to play a longer show i'd be more apt to drive to one farther away. right now my limit is 200 miles if theres not one closer.

i question i ask, does it seem like thwey play Inside Out faster live then they did on the cd, cause i was singing along with it and it seemed a tad bit faster to me.
no offence but just for education purposes scott is not a shredder,whats he gonna do play a 5 minute rythm solo,besides not having the time luxury of proper headline shows there just isnt time to waste 20 to 30 mins,also on there last tour here in aus they bagged the shit outta bands saying they prefer quality not quantity wich is prob in reference to a typical mettalica show!!!
Ulster Mosher said:
Going back to Lars' drumming in Metallica. I was watching the St Anger rehearsals DVD agaiin today, and during St. Anger he was really hammering out double bass kick, but he was off beat and out of tiime for long periods. Maybe he's just concentrating on keeping time now rather than be flashy, which IMO just isn't good enuff. Charlie manages to do it without missing a beat, why can't Lars? It surely cant be an age thing, as they'd be of a similar age. I just cant put my finger on it.
What's there to put your finger on?
Why can Rob Halford hit high notes from hell but John Bush can't?
People aren't equally talented, that's all.
If they were, i'd be the worlds greatest artist, singer, football player, etc, etc....and so would everybody else for that matter.
killing_box said:
....I'm impressed how Scott has come a long way in is backing vocals..He really lets it rip on some of the verses of the songs...especially Metal Thrashing Mad...so Im extremely happy with it! :headbang:

Fuck yeah he rips on Metal Thrashing Mad. That song is the best part of the DVD. Bushs vocals on MTM are the best. Im glad they are redoing the old era songs with Bush singing, because he was ment to be the singer of ANthrax