October Tide "Into Deep Sleep"

I'm sorry but I am listening to Grey Dawn right now and every time I listen to this album I am reminded (as if I ever forget!) of how fucking great the song "Into Deep Sleep" is. It's just so emotional and depressing, you could barely put into words how one feels when listening to this song. This entire album is great, but I think that this is the stand out track. Not to mention that it helps end the album. Into Deep Sleep => into an instrumental outro, it just gives you that feeling that everything has died and that's it, it's over-just like the album!

Grey Dawn...ever lasting...

P.S.- I didn't eve mention the melodic guitars and all the technical stuff! :)
I utterly fucking love 'Into Deep Sleep', one of the best songs I've ever heard. It's just one of those songs that really makes me feel pumped up (sorry, but doom makes me happy :D). I figured it out on guitar, and practised it alot- I can play all the lead parts while headbanging, it's cool in the dark, stereo cranked, with my guitar, just rocking to it ;)
Just has one great guitar lead after another, awesome song :cool:
Just discovered OCTOBER TIDE by downloading the songs "Into deep sleep" and "Floating" after reading this thread. AWESOME! Ordered the album "Grey Dawn" online a few minutes ago. Hope the other songs on it reach the same quality level. Can' t wait to hear the whole thing. :) By the way, where can I still get their first album? Only at eBay?
The song is truely great. As is the song "Grey Dawn". Still waiting for the album to appear in my mailbox.... presumably a masterpiece.

doom_dragon said:
By the way, where can I still get their first album? Only at eBay?

Since it was published by VIC records, I would say yes. Or try finding it at second hand stores....I've had no luck finding yet.
"October Tide - Rain Without End" @ eBay: more than €30 at this moment... :waah:

received my "Grey Dawn" a few days ago and i think it's great! Could it be, that promotion was so bad, that O.T. never got the success it should have?
doom_dragon said:
Could it be, that promotion was so bad, that O.T. never got the success it should have?
I think that's likely, yeah. I mean, I can't see why any doom fan wouldn't find their stuff to be awesome, so it's probably a case of just not enough people finding out about it. Dunno if that's the fault of the label, or the band (don't know that they ever played any gigs, but then if you're not selling the records then the motivation/opportunites to play must be low), or both (that's the most likely). Katatonia was probably their main focus when Grey Dawn came out, so they might not've been too concerned about it, I don't really know.

It's a shame, though.