Odd / Unique Metal Videos

0:27 - WTF? LOL
0:51 - Where's the cable, Steve?
1:37 - LOL
1:56 - 1:58 - That dance

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Air guitar galore

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Is this odd?

It's a bit shit. And the song rules anyway.
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Oh I posted this in another thread but it's worthy of being reposted. Nothing gross, just hilarious.
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Spoof Black Metal band The Black Satans
(only because I remember seeing it years ago on a funny videos thread somewhere)

And this one, complete with miniature drum kit:

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It is brutal, the guy that made it was well known in the Sydney punk/metal scene but died earlier this year. He was a big islander that was always getting around in anti Muslim tshirts.
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Let's tip a hat to 'ol Mr. Bowie. I didn't realize he had a new one come out, and now with his death of course it's all over the news.

That said, his tune Blackstar could easily of been released by a Prog band like Leprous, Kingcrow - quite strange and awesome - and now even more eerie that he is gone: