Oddest moment you have had with a fellow RCer

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
At the Agalloch gig on Friday night we ran in to the man known in certain black metal circles as Dr. Pierre. You affectionately know him as Asian Frank. Upon stumbling across our cadre he initiated an off the wall hand shake with Climb Thar which consisted of going for a fist bump which segued in to a "paper smothers stone" iron palm grasp for male superiority. It was about as intimate as how real Frank gets with some Rite-Aid soft serve. Hmm. After that socially maladroit display, I come to the rescue with an awkward embrace, then begin to exchange pleasantries that felt as forced as Plastic attempting to shove his cawk in his gf's gape. (Not her teeth mind you, her loose as a goose gossage) This bitch has been filled more times than the pie crust which strolls down the front line conveyor at Marie Calendar's. Just kidding Matt, don't kick my ass. Anyhow, Dr. Pete disperses from our presence, only to return half way through Agalloch's set, tightly positioning himself between the Hills and myself, and after a couple minutes of failing to ingratiate himself to our fold, scampered on in to the hipster night with Sonata Arctica ablazing.
When the entire RC gang present at HC last year started chanting Arse Magma. It wasn't really odd but I wasn't expecting it and was a little embarassed to see half the bar looking over like WTF. :lol:

I really hope more RCers sign up for Maryland. I'm 98% sure I am going and I'd really like to get to hang out with you guys more.
Ken almost knocking me over the first time I met him.


You know what's even more odd? Watching Demilich, Swizzlenuts, and Dodens attempt to play a game of half court basketball. More bricks were laid that morning than at an elementary school construction site. Not to mention Swizzle's dual ankles braces, the countless airballs thrown up by Canuck Matt, and the other athletically inept individuals running around. Pure comedy.

Or that time Demilich and I walked 3 miles through the Baltimore ghetto to grab a supposed famous corned beef sandwich, where the 50 year old female owner went in for a hug & kiss on our beloved Canadian. That was not only one of the most awkward fellow RC experiences I have ever had, but one of the most awkward experiences I have ever had PERIOD. I still LOL at the remembrance of Matt's reaction towards the gesture.

Actually, most of the time with Demilich is simultaneously awkward and hilarious.

I love you fuckers.
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Or trying to catch some shut-eye only to be kept up by subtle jossling in the next bed over which was occupied by, once again, our beloved Canadian Matt and some 40-something year old chick in a serious midlife crisis. And hearing "are you scared or something?" from the dame.

Or trying to catch some shut-eye only to be kept up by subtle jossling in the next bed over which was occupied by, once again, our beloved Canadian Matt and some 40-something year old chick in a serious midlife crisis. And hearing "are you scared or something?" from the dame.


:lol:, THIS part of the story I had not heard.
Actually, most of the time with Demilich is simultaneously awkward and hilarious

I love you fuckers

Matt is seriously one of the coolest fuckers I have ever met. Same goes for Nick and Brandon. (There's an entire gaggle of cool gents and dame(s) on this forum, but these 3 specifically are on another level.)
Hey, if half of your interesting stories end with "... then I rolled my ankle" you too would wear dual ankle braces.

I'd always say peeing next to CtH, but that was ASF.

I'd always say peeing next to CtH, but that was ASF.


Swizzle was using the same urinal that Will Bozarth passed out in the next year. :kickass:
wtf ... either CTH is as tall as me or Swizzle is a shorty.

Mine most likely involve shoving loud conversations drunk with Gugs.
The only people I've ever met from ANY forum was about 6 years ago when I randomly ran into Chromatose and CT Thrash at a Devin Townsend / Symphony X show. All I remember thinking was that a) Chromatose acted in real life exactly as I expected him to and b) CT was quieter than I expected her to be. :lol:
The only people I've ever met from ANY forum was about 6 years ago when I randomly ran into Chromatose and CT Thrash at a Devin Townsend / Symphony X show. All I remember thinking was that a) Chromatose acted in real life exactly as I expected him to and b) CT was quieter than I expected her to be. :lol:

No I'm not a loud mouth, but I'm especially quiet at shows because my speaking voice doesn't carry for shit, so I don't even try. Unless I'm drunk and insist that I must growl Kiss and Absu songs at the top of my lungs :)
I take it back. The most awkward thing was going into the coffee shop with Cara! Fucking crazy people.