Of Mouse and Pepsi

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
i get home from band practice, and sit at my computer...
i hear "scratch scratch splash splash*
i look around, and it stops
10 min later, it starts again
i look to my left and put my ear near a pepsi can
i hear *scratch splash*
i lift it up, shake it around

it continues to splash and scratch
i see...


(for the blind, that would be a mouse)
well, judging by the fact that pepsi and coke are acidic as fuck, and that you don't know how long that mouse has been in that can... I'm guessing that the experience has truamatized that little shit to never go into your pepsi cans ever again.
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:tickled: :lol: :tickled: :lol::tickled:
ok, this made me cry of laughing!!
WHAHA!!! this is funny and super tight!!
You're a wizard!!! or that mouse was soo, soooooooo stuupid!!
(guess the mouse had a blonde moment, huh? ;) )
Curiousity killed the cat, uhm mouse!
When is it the year of the rat? I bet that's gonna be a weird year!!
This is just too tight!
Talk about mouse-hunters here!!
A few weeks ago i catched a mouse in our store..it was a very young one.
My shopmanager almost freaked out, he was scared, whaha..the wuss!!
BUT, i grabbed a poster-cylinder, hunted the mouse in a certain corner and i put the cylinder in front of it..and hup! it walked right in...tadaaaaH!!

My question now is: WHAT exactly did you do with it Willow?
I took it to the park, that is behind the shopping mall and released it there...

The men in white suits...

"They're coming to take me away, haha hihi hoho...they're coming to take me awaayyyyyyy"


Yah! The mouse was set free. DSM, you've got to stop this capture and release program you're doing! It's just not right.
I got home the other night, all the lights were out, opened the door, and my wife's cat comes running in the kitchen, jumping all over the place. This is not so unusual. Then he starts going nuts, so I turn the light on, and he has a little baby mouse. He is batting it around, so I yell at him to drop it. Well, the little shit runs off with it. I finally get it away from him, it was still alive. It had spots on it from where he was batting at it. I took it, and let it go outside.