Of Mouse and Pepsi

that's pretty damn funny, although i'd be afraid to ever drink out of anything other than a bottle at your house after that...
Mice suck. I just kilt one that was running around my kitchen at night and leaving fucc'n turds on my stove. Not a wise thing to do. He got his neck snizzapped.

Don't be nice and let them go. Rodents and their waste are very nasty and unhealthy. Ever heard of the Black Death?

There are two things that mice can't resist - peanut butter and marijuana leaves. Serious.
Troyanasy said:
Crazy shit man! My buddy said he found a tampoon in his beer before.I guess a mouse sort of looks like a tampoon...the string looks like a tail...I'm groossing myself out for fucks sake BLAAAA
You should definitely send those pictures to PepsiCo, along with a letter where you say that you just found a fucking mouse in your Pepsi® can. Maybe they'll send you free shit!

Is that a good idea or what?
Will, I must see a picture of this! Try uploading it again :)

I had a mouse problem in my apartment a while ago.
I was playing nice, so I tried catching them in humane traps/ using peppermint/ plugging up holes with steel wool and caulk (haha, CAULK) etc.

I got pretty violent after I discovered they were pooping in my toaster.
Seriously...Justin tipped it over out of curiosity, and....yea...I lost it.
They were also being brave little shits. I'd sit on the couch and they would come out and roam around the stove/ steal my chocolate pretzels...grrr.