Of Mouse and Pepsi

Crazy shit man! My buddy said he found a tampoon in his beer before.I guess a mouse sort of looks like a tampoon...the string looks like a tail...I'm groossing myself out for fucks sake BLAAAA
Chromatose said:
please reupload this image.

I got that too. Just right click and view image. It'll show.

Those little bastards get anywhere they want...wow!
teredd said:
I got that too. Just right click and view image. It'll show.

Those little bastards get anywhere they want...wow!

oh score, didn't even try that, I just assumed they had long since vanished.
Conquer All said:
theres a kids story called "never give a mouse a cookie". replace cookie with pepsi..gay...yeah ill shut up now

I say fuck it, feed a mouse a fucking car tyre, maybe a 1KG block of cheese. Hell cook it some curry.
wow, i would never drink canned pepsi again for fear or finding a rodent inside.

on a related note, a friend of mine recently bought a feeding mouse and released it in the parking lot at Roosevelt Field Mall.