Off-putting album covers/band names

When I first saw the cover of None So Vile, I didn't realize the head at the bottom was decapitated, and I thought that it was just some chick comforting that guy. I realized my mistake and now I love the album.

Also I really hate when bands have album covers that are computer rendered but trying to look realistic (Avulsed, Severe Torture). I'd rather have some artwork like Suffocation or just something cliche like Kataklysm.
Hammer of Might said:
Yeah, hand drawn/painted covers all the way. Invariably.

You can't whack Dan Seagrove action.

I don't like photo/photoshop covers. I prefer the old style of cover that you'd stare at forever (Cathedral covers spring to mind).
Most current metal band's names. I find shit like, I dunno, Gorerotted to take an example from this thread, to be very immature. I was over the blood and guts thing by the time I was 14.
Kill for Satan

Obvious one there, thought they'd be cheesy, horrible bedroom black metal. They're actually a Celtic Frost/Bathory tribute band who started writing originals, and recorded a fucking great album.
Haha, absolutely. A great band with one of the worst album covers and names in the history of the genre.
Gorod was an off-putting name for me. Not because it's a disgusting image or anything but because it sounds so incredibly generic.

Good thing I eventually checked out Neurotripsicks anyways, great album.
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions
The album cover is some of the most horrendous Photoshoped crap I've ever seen, the name of the band is dumb as fuck, the album title is cheesy, and the press photos didn't help either. My mind changed 180 degrees when a friend finally played that album for me though.

It took me quite a while to accept Anal Blast as well. Any of those "analcore"(?) bands are hard to give a fair shake to.
Necuratul said:
I'm going to have to check them out, in that case...


'ere 'ere... Destroyer 666 was off-putting for quite some time, until I grew some balls and listened to them.

And Artillery's Terror Squad is probably only as underrated as it is because of the god-fucking-awful cover artwork. See unknown's avatar for proof.
I tend to stay away from band names and album covers that are blatantly anti-Christian.

For example, I will not buy any album from Dying Fetus, I will not by an album titled "Decimate Christendom" and if an album contains a song titled "God is a Lie" I delete it upon upload to itunes.

Zephyrus said:
I tend to stay away from band names and album covers that are blatantly anti-Christian.

For example, I will not buy any album from Dying Fetus, I will not by an album titled "Decimate Christendom" and if an album contains a song titled "God is a Lie" I delete it upon upload to itunes.



you and me both man :rock:
That's stupid. Not least of all when you consider the juvenile nature of most anti-Christianity and psuedo-satanism within metal. Satan is not going to steal your soul if you buy a copy of INRI.
Décadent said:
That's stupid. Not least of all when you consider the juvenile nature of most anti-Christianity and psuedo-satanism within metal. Satan is not going to steal your soul if you buy a copy of INRI.

true that i spose
i mean my favourite band(s) MF and KD are obvoius anti-christian bands but i love em all the same
i guess i just get annoyed when like the 1000th band comes along havin a go at my beliefs