Off-putting album covers/band names

Zephyrus said:
I tend to stay away from band names and album covers that are blatantly anti-Christian.

For example, I will not buy any album from Dying Fetus, I will not by an album titled "Decimate Christendom" and if an album contains a song titled "God is a Lie" I delete it upon upload to itunes.

You're a twat, that is simply ridiculous.
Danallica said:
true that i spose
i mean my favourite band(s) MF and KD are obvoius anti-christian bands but i love em all the same
i guess i just get annoyed when like the 1000th band comes along havin a go at my beliefs

If it's something profoundly objectionable on a theological level, I could understand, but c'mon... this is heavy metal.
Décadent said:
If it's something profoundly objectionable on a theological level, I could understand, but c'mon... this is heavy metal.
yeh true
and i accept and expect there to be a high level of anti-christian stuff, and i put up with it coz of the music,
like i said, i love MF and KD...
I just get tired of it i spose
I'm an illustrator, so album covers are always high on my list of what to look for when looking for CD's. If I like a band and I want to buy an album, usually (if I don't know which to get first) I just go by the album cover I like the most.

I wish more musicians would hire artists (real ones plz) to design their album covers in order to be more eye catching and presentable.

Some album covers I am "putt-off" by:

Therion- Theli: Awful, awful digital figure, in front of a digtial wall and sky. It just looks fake and the colors suck and it's just bad.

Hypocrisy- The Arrival, Abducted: Although I like the theme of Abducted, with all the nailed objects and wires and eerie shades of blue-green, the cover shot sucks and was manipulated digitally.

The Arrival's cover speaks for itself as to why it's bad.

Old Man's Child- In Defiance of Existence: The girl on the cover looks so Goth, and the blood looks too fake.I hate it.

Megadeth- Rust In Peace: And any of the early albums with that skeleton guy and cheesy illustration. Although Iknow it's supposed to be cheesy, like Death's early albums, and that at least they had an illustrator come in and work for them, I just don't like those covers. Probably because all the concepts were thought up by Mustaine.

Bathory- Destroyer of Worlds: It's just a fucking image flopped over. It's not very imaginative, Old Man's Child is guilty again of this on their Pagan Prosperity album, which they really overdo it on. Oh well. I'm done for now.
On the whole, I think Old Man's Child has suck coverart. The Therion one is pretty horrible too, but I am not too hard on anything from 10 years ago. I'm sure most bands just had a friend do it for them.

- you like Zerohour's artwork? They have a serious graphic designer working for them. Dark Tranquility and Mnemic have good designers too.
Hammer of Might said:
As mentioned in another thread, album covers or indeed band names can sometimes put people off checking out a band. Has this ever been the case for you?

One example that springs to mind was looking at an Anal Vomit album. Yes, you could argue that the name itself is off-putting for some people, but on the back cover the guy is posing with a naked lower body. I did not purchase it.

Apparently it's a really ripping album. Oh well, his bared genitalia put me off.

I could care less about the cover since I download most of my albums anyway. It all comes down to the music but I guess a sweet album cover does help a bit.
Destroyer 666 and Hammers of Misfortune are 2 bands that I avoided checking out for a long time (over a year) and ended up loving once I finally caved.

Edit: One thing I came to know: If I don't check out a band because of their name or imagery, it is my loss, and not a reflection of the "immaturity" of the band or anything else.
D666 are a big 'shit name great music' one, so are maudlin of the Well and Pig Destroyer. Nevermore have utterly worthless album covers so I didn't check them out for a while, not that I missed that much.
Susperia said:
Megadeth- Rust In Peace: And any of the early albums with that skeleton guy and cheesy illustration. Although Iknow it's supposed to be cheesy, like Death's early albums, and that at least they had an illustrator come in and work for them, I just don't like those covers. Probably because all the concepts were thought up by Mustaine.

No way. That's one of the all-time great album covers! It matches the themes of the album, and is making a political statement. Bush and Gorbachev are even sitting there.
Ed Repka is fucking tops when it comes to album covers. I mean, come on:

Necuratul said:
Ed Repka is fucking tops when it comes to album covers.

Definitely! I mean, look at this roster:

Atheist - Piece of Time
Death - Scream Bloody Gore
Death - Leprosy
Death - Spiritual Healing
Evil Dead - The Underworld
Massacre - From Beyond
Massacre - Inhuman Condition
Massacre - Provoked Accurser
Megadeth - Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
Megadeth - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
Megadeth - Hangar 18
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Megadeth - Rusted Pieces
Municipal Waste - Hazardous Mutation
Nuclear Assault - Game Over
Possessed - Beyond the Gates
Solstice - Solstice
Toxic Holocaust - Hell On Earth
Toxik - World Circus
Toxik - Think this Album
Vio-lence - Eternal Nightmare

Dan Seagrave and of course Andreas Marschall are also fucking great album cover illustrators.