Off topic: A tribute to an old friend


poet and madman
Oct 8, 2002
A few weeks ago my friend Nick passed away. He was only 20 years old and had been getting into extreme metal slowly for about 2 years. He had a particular interest in the Swedish and Norwegian metal scenes. A few friends and I are designing a memorial plaque for him. His nickname on the internet is "nothingg" and we are going to have "We believe in nothingg." engraved on the plaque in English, Norwegian and/or Swedish. I know alot of you in here are Scandanavian or of Scandanavian decent, so I am hoping that you could help me out with a proper translation of that phrase into the two languages. (Translate "nothing" with one G, obviously.) I have tried online translators, but they each have a different idea of what is correct. Besides, for something like this I'd rather it be authentic, you know. Thanks in advance for any help you can give. The central Jersey crew appreciates it greatly.
Depends on how you want "We believe in nothingg" to sound
is it like we have faith in nothingg? or is it we just belive?

anyways Norwegian : Vi trur på ingenting(g) , vi tror på intet ,
but if its faith kinda like : vår tro er hos ingenting(g)

im sure there are some more transelations in ways it could be said but i dont have mutch time right now
sorry about your friend