Visiting an old friend


Feb 20, 2006
It is always great to visit an old friend in music. I was having a hard time sleeping last night an put on the Ayreon Albums, Human Equation, Electric Castle, Universal Migrator, all continous and I eventually fell asleep but I had some wicked dreams. Well I had to listen again today now that I have the house to myself and can add some volume. You always ask yourself why I haven't I listened to this lately? Now I am revisiting Zero Hour - The Towers of Avarice.
Once in a while I'll browse through some of my tapes.I have'nt upgraded my entire collection to cds from my favorite tapes.But a few

Flotsam and jetsam-no place for disgrace
Rosetta stone
Death-individual thought patterns
Destruction-infernal overkill
Jimi Hendrix-electric ladyland
I used to listen to Children of Bodom's Follow the Reaper and Blind Guardian's A Night At The Opera a lot (they were among my first few metal albums), but I don't listen to them all that much anymore. Still love both of them, them.
I went over to a friends house and he had Follow the Reaper playing on his laptop. It was great to hear that stuff. do all the air drum stuff and all the guitar squeals. :kickass:
CoB used to be good. :waah:
I bought Paradise Lost - Icon on release (on tape), but didn't immediately like it. More or less one year later, I put it on again and it fucking totally ruled the playlist for that year. I still have periodic periods when I give it very heavy air play - and although it isn't my favourite PL platter, it does have a very special place in my heart.