Off Topic - Addicted

Harvester of Sorrow

Solitary Reaper
Sep 12, 2002
Delaware, U.S.A.
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I think i am addicted to Q-tips, well those cotton swabs since i buy the generic version... I have to use 2 every time i get out of the shower, and sometimes when i am bored i just pick up a swab and clean my ears, they are always clean though, i dont think i even make ear junk anymore.....and still i cant continue my day without sticking those things in my ear........i need help. does this happen to anyone else?
LOL. You dont know the Raul Tale? Hmmm. Raul was a kid that was obsesed with the size of his ears. He though his left ear was bigger. So he was always checking his ears. One day, his parents used a cord and tied his hands. He was nervious cause he couldt check his ears. So nervious. Very. At last, he died. Cause he couldt touch his ears...
Don't stick those things in your ears!!!
It'll just push all the junk inside. There are some special liquids made to clean your ears. It's safer:)
I've never used a q-tip before. And I never will.

Strongest addiction? Um... hard to say, I pretty much have the opposite of an addictive personality; too much willpower, I guess. I don't think I'm addicted to anything... I used to be a pretty chronic pothead a couple years ago but my tolerance got too high and I cut down considerably.
I'm addicted to Freecell and Ms Hearts. I know they are stupid and boring games, but I just can't help it. I have to play them all the time. My winning percentage is 80% in Freecell. I've played it more than a thousand times.
Originally posted by loWildChild
LOL. You dont know the Raul Tale? Hmmm. Raul was a kid that was obsesed with the size of his ears. He though his left ear was bigger. So he was always checking his ears. One day, his parents used a cord and tied his hands. He was nervious cause he couldt check his ears. So nervious. Very. At last, he died. Cause he couldt touch his ears...
lol... i've got paranoia, that i'll get a loss of hair, so i check them as often as possible by looking in the mirror...

some kinda strange... :err:
I'm addicted to cutting my nails :eek: They are always too short and when they grow a little bit, I will cut it off.... scary

Another addiction.... chocolate, coke and of course, good music!!! :D

EDIT:..... I just realized they have grown again.... must cut, must cut, must cut.....
My greatest addiction is... wasting time... you can do it everywhere, whenever you want...
I'm good at it, I waste over 90% of my time...
uhuha im an expert on this too NV ehhe ;)
i can waste my timeeven when im on school! im almost a pro!
but my true addiction is food! eauheauhea iargh! usuallly i eat at least 5...6 times a day!
someday i will have an heart attack or something like that...