OFF TOPIC: Reflections on a cool mid-spring eve

The Don

Oct 29, 2004
Evergreen, Colorado USA
The title is what it reads. I got a hold of the Opeth "Porcelain Heart" single, including the tracks Porcelain Heart and The Lotus Eaters. MY GOD it sucked monkey balls. I have loved basically everything Mikael Akerfeldt has ever done, and am a huge Opeth fan. But Jesus St. Lucifer, this is disappointing. I was going to rant this on the Opeth board, but any mention of leaking gets you banned due to a really pathetic moderator. So I'm going to do it here. Sorry this just has to get out of my system so I can get on with my life.

Porcelain Heart - I like Opeth songs with no death Growls, while not being a slow song (think A Fair Judgement). This song has some nice moody sections, but there are only 4 parts to the song. 4 PARTS FOR 8 MINUTES. Oh my good god this song is an abortion. Half the song is Mikael doing very slow quarter notes on a clean guitar with no accompanying instruments. The transition into the last "chorus" (the chorus is just Mikael using his voice as an instrument, no lyrics) is the worst transition I've ever heard. If someone can pick out one interesting part (of four) please let me know.

The Lotus Eater - A bit better. Nice and heavy in the beginning, but Mikael decides to use clean vox over a blastbeat, which sounds incredibly akward and totally forced. There are a few passages with death vocals, and his voice sounds AMAZING, but they only make up about 1/6 of the song. Disappointing. There is really no solo, nothing very technical, and a really weak weird piano line over some double bass. Very poor transitions here once again. Not the shitshow that Porcelain Heart was, but hardly up to par. I hope I never see these two tracks live.

OK I'm done. Sorry everyone. :hypno: