Off topic - Religion/personal beliefs

Yngvai X said:
I'll tell you one thing dude, you're MUCH more open minded than most all of the very devoted christians Ive met. I mean, obviously you dont have a problem with metal and stuff like that, and I know really devoted christians (like the one pharoah was dealing with) think anything with distortion is the devil's work, and that you can appriciate a band like Symphony X that use mythological stuff in their lyrics. For that, you get a lot of respect from me \m/.

Thanks man, that really means alot to me. Yeah I love metal. I mean, I can sometimes get into worship music because I play it at church. And some of it is actually pretty fun. But metal is where my heart is. With the melodic ripping guitars, high piched vocals, and out of this world time signatures. Nothing captures the intensity and feeling like metal. Unfortunatly I can't find anything I like in the christian scene. I've been looking for a while and there is nothing that can be bought at a local Bible bookstore.

Maybe I don't get it. Your explanation made barely any sense to me at all. So I am gonna have to dig deeper. But just because it has been tested over and over doesn't mean that it is fact. Dinosaurs existed. That is a fact because we have found their bones and know that they once existed. But we did not see them die. So we have no possible way to really know how old they are. I don't care what the Carbon-14 says. It is not a proven fact.
scanner313 said:
No offense, but you are making the exact same argument that the radio show host I heard made. You just dismiss Carbon Dating as ineffective, or inaccurate. This is a system that is extremely accurate and has proven that dinosaur fossils are millions, yes MILLIONS of years old.

Sorry, dude. Carbon dating doesn't date anything beyond 60-70,000 years. The isotope half life lasts only a little more than 5,000 years.
Pharaoh said:
Just feel like sharing this with you all....this is typical of the closed-minded area where I live. I introduced Symphony X to an acquaintance who liked it till she read the lyrics (V). I said "Awesome band, aren't they?" She tore into me and said "It had to leave my house, because this is devil worship music. "Huh??" I was blatantly told not to "dabble" in satanic music. Word got around that my wife and I take our kids to Prog Metal concerts (they love this music!) and some people started avoiding me like it was a contagious disease.
I got little Bible passage books placed where I would find them. It's crazy. I don't have to prove myself to anyone, so I let this all slide.

Now THAT pisses me off.. bitch needed her ass kicked severely.. for one thing.. the atlanteans were an ancient civilisation that stuffed up majorly when they started cloning experiments(sound familiar? its a similar thing to whats starting now in our own society, IMO of course.)
That's like saying that studying the Ancient Egyptian or Incans, Mayans whatever ancient civilisation is out there.. is also all Satanic.. where "satan" comes into it i have no idea.. it all seems to be in her own feeble little brain.

People have no right to order another person as to what they can and can't read or learn or listen to. It just shows the ignorance some people have as to dismiss or judge something they dont even really know anything about, nor will take the time to learn for themselves.. anyway thats my 2 cents on that, coz that really made me mad.
Born and raised Atheist... got no problem with peoples beleifs though.. and Catholic Mass I find quite comforting... just because no matter what it is there.. and is the same for the most part.

You gotta do what you gotta do to make it through the day.
Dream Symphony said:
Of course no evidence that I can give you will convince that God exists. But there is proof that the Bible is true. There is scientific proof that the world was once completely flooded. And I have seen documentarys of people who actually have seen a historic, giant boat on Mt. Ararat. The exact Mt. that the Bible tells the Ark landed on. I don't know if you have heard the story of Jerico. But the Bible says that the God's People shouted out, and the walls fell down. Well the city of Jerico was found. And when the fallen structure was examined, they found that the walls had fallen outward. Suggesting that they had just fallen down. Obviously this is only a few examples, but there are many more things in the Bible that has proof of being true.

Read this:
Polyeidus said:
Sorry, dude. Carbon dating doesn't date anything beyond 60-70,000 years. The isotope half life lasts only a little more than 5,000 years.

you are right, I stand corrected. As I said in my original post where I mentioned carbon dating, I wasn't exactly sure of how it worked so don't knock me for mispeaking. Anyway, the fact of the matter is still that carbond dating is good for about 50,000 years (see quote below) and that alone disputes the theory of the church that the Earth is only 20,000 to 30,000 years old (and don't quote me on that estimate, it's just what I heard from that religious radio guy).

"When a living organism dies, it stops absorbing C14 and the C14 that is already in the object begins to disintegrate. Scientists can use this fact to measure how much C14 has disintegrated and how much is left in the object. Carbon 14 decays at a slow but steady rate and reverts to nitrogen 14. The rate at which Carbon decays (Half-life) is known: C14 has a half-life of 5730 years. Basically this means that half of the original amount of C14 in organic matter will have disintegrated 5730 years after the organisms death; half of the remaining C14 will have disintegrated after another 5730 years and so forth. After about 50,000 years, the amount of C14 remaining will be so small that the fossil can't be dated reliably."

Once again, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live, but here is a perfect example of why I can't accept any of the so-called evidence provided by any believer in Creation. This is a quote I got from website regarding carbon dating.

[size=+1]"Conclusion[/size] There are many lines of evidence that the radiometric dates are not the objective evidence for an old earth that many claim, and that the world is really only thousands of years old. We don't have all the answers, but we do have the sure testimony of the Word of God to the true history of the world."

The last sentence is what eats me alive. This article offers arguments intended to disprove the effectiveness of different methods of age determination. Although I can't speak to the validity of the claims made in it, it was presented as a strong argument based on scientific inconsistencies. However, the conclusion is where it lost all credibility. The author spent all that time writing and researching only to sum it up with "The word of God to the true history of the world". He (or she) just spent countless hours trying to make a logical argument only to summarize with that? They say there is no solid proof that any of these dating methods work, then turn around and make a completely unsubstantiated statement that the bible recounts the "true" history of the world. This is exactly the arrogance I spoke of in an earlier post. It appalls me that creationists can't accept the remote possibility that they are wrong. There is no evidence to support their side, but yet they know for fact that they are right. With all the contrary evidence (granted the dispute it) they can't even consider the possibility of anything other than what it says in the bible. If they would have ended this essay with a statement simply recounting their arguments that dating is inaccurate I probably would have accepted their position as a legitimate argument, but that conclusion just blew me away. I give no credence to anything they said in this article now, and because of the obvously biased approach to writing it, I will not bother to investigate any of the evidence they offered either.
I don't know where you all got the idea that christians believe earth is 70000 years old (or whatever).
First, you can't put all christians in the same bag. catholic faith is very, very different from lutherans fatih, evangelic faith, etc.. if some kind of christian variation says that kind of stupidity, I surely had not heard from it.
Anyways, just to remind you guys, it was a catholic priest who proposed the big bang theory, and it is just stupid that a world created out of chaos would be done in just 70000 years.
Secondly, it's just stupid to try to convince someone to follow your religion, because even giving all arguments that people have towards their religion(such as saint Thomas's five arguments for the existence of God), there is still a last step of faith, thats why they are called religions, and not facts, it's because you can't prove them right, but you can't either prove them wrong (unless it is some idiot religion invented by a 5 year old kid).

keep peacueful...:)
The Yngster said:
I'm not going to force myself to believe something I don't, just incase I need to be "saved" when Jesus kills all non-believers.

There's never any "force" involved. Yes, one can struggle to keep faith, but one can never be forced, or force themselves. One either believes or they don't. It's a matter of free will. This is what kills me about most Bible thumpers. They either try to force their beliefs on someone with threats of eternal damnation, or argue thier supposed evidence while totally omitting the key aspect, choice.