Official answer and question thread

Oh jeez that is hard. I'd have to say that this is a fairly common qoute that is received by parents is "You can do anything your mind desires as long as you are willing to accept your mind. If you are not good at a certain thing, you still have many years to get better at it, and it will pay off many times over once you have succeeded at it." I am quite appreciative that I have the parents that I have now. We share the same beliefs, get along quite well, and they are just good parents to grow up with.

Question: What would you do if you were the richest man/woman on Earth?
Theredintheskyisours said:
What would you do if you were the richest man/woman on Earth?

I don't need money to be the richest man on Earth. ;) But I guess you were talking about some economical level.


EDIT: I leave the question open, in order not to flood this thread with my own answers and questions. :)
I would go down my current things-to-do-in-life list and add to it as I go along. Though I believe money doesn't make a person happy and it isn't the thing we should be striving for, I'm pretty certain that a bit of money would help me make myself very very happy right now ..because I could actually pursue and obtain some of the things I want at the moment.

Q: What specific attitude of another person particularly irritates you?
A: it depends on the person...for example, the hugest personal irrtation comes when my mother just keeps talking and doesn't stop to listen what other people say. But I guess generally, the attitude some people take that what they think/believe has to be applied to the rest of humanity i.e. "why don't you drink alcohol, it can't be, you MUST drink...drink...drink..." It's just an example...all sort of ways like this irritate me quite a lot, although I think of myself as a person who quite difficultly gets really irritated.

Q: If you could go back in time, which decision you made in the past would you change? (and how would that affect to your actual life?)
FatherVic said:
A: it depends on the person...for example, the hugest personal irrtation comes when my mother just keeps talking and doesn't stop to listen what other people say. But I guess generally, the attitude some people take that what they think/believe has to be applied to the rest of humanity i.e. "why don't you drink alcohol, it can't be, you MUST drink...drink...drink..." It's just an example...all sort of ways like this irritate me quite a lot, although I think of myself as a person who quite difficultly gets really irritated.

Think that's generally called intolerance, very common regarding differences. Same in my case, I always do my best to look from different eyes to get a global vision (success not guaranteed, btw).

A: I don't know, think I always tried to behave the best way possible. It takes me a serious effort to know what I would change, and aside from correcting certain personal mistakes that wouldn't change my life... think that the answer is "nothing".

Q: In which field you made your best but you never succeed?

A: probably in being a REALLY GOOD football player. I started playing football (in a football school/team) at 4 years and trained hard and regularly until I was 18 but never made it to something important since I didn't have the talent. For the rest, either I haven't tried enough nor gave my best (like playing guitar which I never got really good because I simply never practised enough) or I achieved my aims (as for example painting kicking ass miniature lead figures).

Q: Which is your best memory of the first ten years of your life!?
okay,even on an evening like this that i have no time for intensive posting,i couldn´t help coming for a quick reply and question...

A: ooops,nothing really cool crosses my mind right now...hmmm probably because i´m the sort of person,who believes that childhood is definitely not the best period on a individual's life! Like Malcolm in "Malcolm in the middle" had said: You know what's the best thing about childhood? at some point it ends :p
Let's say the christmas evenings around the christmas tree :) If there is one things my parents could do perfectly,then this thing is creating a totally Xmas atmosphere :) real Christmas trea, candles,songs *remembers and sighs*
If you asked me from the first 12 years,i´d definitely say my trip to Cyprus back in July 1992....

Q: (copying FV) Which is your best memory of your teenage years?
A: Those years are even worse for the vast majority of people (excluding cheer leaders and the captain of the football team). Mine weren't bad, but I started feeling that there was something wrong: "People smoking?! I don't wanna smoke! I wanna keep on playing soccer and having fun with my friends, not stalking girls and trying to gain access to pubs and dancing clubs! I'm 13, for the God's sake!", you know, that kind of stuff. I realized I felt out of place. Best memories? I had a very good summer when I was 13, and I was doing camping with my parents. Strangly enough, I met a group of people I really felt comfortable with. Yeap, that's one of the best periods I had.

Q: Playing along, which's the best memory of your whole life?

Answer: Yup, I am posting. I am geussing right now I am having a pretty good time. I have had a lot of depression problems in which effected my teenage life in the past. But now, I have gotten much better. I am having fun because I am starting to learn what life is all about and I really like that. I also like that I feel like I can finally succeed for once and I am grateful for having the chance finally. So I'd say right now is probably the best time in my teenage career so far.

Question: What are you guys doing for Christmas? Anything fun?
@theredin: I'm glad you're doing know it's hard when you had a cool childhood and then you grow and you start finding that it's harder and harder to go through...studying like hell, working to live by yourself....oh, how nice it's when I didn't have to cook hehehehe But it's recomforting to know that one of those who had a traumatic childhood years are going up up and up...(with optional leprechaun ;) )

A: well it's my first Christmas out of home and my first Christmas in Greece, so I don't really know what to expect! It will be a bittersweet christmas...I will miss my family in Spain but I well sure will enjoy like hell my Greek family we will see!!!! :D

Q: Which is the nicest Christmas related tradition you've ever experienced???
theredinthesky@ I'm glad you are doing better :) it is very positive to see depressed people getting over their problems and starting to lead a good life... I liked your post a lot, it sounded very positive!!! Good luck with your life,your plans and your dreams!!
*awards theredinthesky with the "positive message of the day" award*

FV@ hope you will enjoy Christmas in my little land :) I absolutely recommend melomakarona and diples and much cuddling!!!!!

A: I like Christmas a lot,not due to the religious side of it (for that i actually don't care), but because it's a nice chance to have holidays during my favourite season and above all to meet family & friends and spoil them with some extra love :) Winter has always been my favourite season & the Xmas atmosphere with the lights,the decoration,the candles etc makes it even more special...
Now,to reply in a more precise way...hmmmmmmmm.... i don't think i have an exact answer, cause i don't have any favourite Xmas related tradition, i like the whole thing....hmmmmmmm *flash idea* maybe the Xmas-tree & the traditional sweets....(yeah,melancholia, nice fucked up answer you gave :p )

Q: What present would you like to get for Xmas??
Melancholia said:
I like Christmas a lot,not due to the religious side of it

I love Christmas too!!! It's my fave part of the year as well. :) I can't answer that question about the presents, though, because there is nothing material I wanna be gifted with this Christmas, really.

|ng (Unmaterialistic robot, booze powered!)
Geez, all these hard questions! My mind can't take the thinking!!!!!:) But here I'll give it a shot. I'm geussing probably when I was younger I gave up trying to become an astronaut. Now I am missing out on all the fun they have seeing what is on the outside.

Question: Which way is the best way to die? (Like, would you like to die in your sleep after having the best day of your life. Or like some pain entusiasts, getting stretched inch by inch hour by hour until they die of their suffering! Kidding!)

Oh yeah and thanks for all the kind words everyone. You are all great people!
A: i'd either die peacefully in my sleep or in some way i could somehow control my own death, like f.e. from a disease... i mean in the last case, if they told me "you have 6 months left" i would be able to take care of some matters and do some stuff before i die...I wouldn't like to die suddenly and unexpectedly,nor in a violent way... But i think the best way to die is to die from aging,when one is 85 f.e....

Q: (inspired by theredintheskys question) Best way to commit suicide?

/troll (brrrrrr...)
A: (Quoting Dot Noir's signature) When I die, I want it to be in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like his passengers. :grin:

Q: What do you expect of the so-called afterlife? (Note: If you don't believe, just skip your turn, I want something different from "I don't think there is an afterlife"). Thanks. :)

A : To live my ideals and the fantasies I never had the chance to realize while breathing. I also expect to live the reverse, my worst nightmares and my biterest regrets. No such thing as paradise ; just a maelstrom of the most important concepts that affected me, a very sensorial (and sensual, probably), emotional and spiritual experience.

Q : Is there an event you'd consider decisive in your life ? Something that totally or partially transformed you, from "that person you were" to You, as you truly are, now. Was the change good, or bad ? Why ? Did you prefer that person you once were ? Or do you despise him/her ?
shit, I made a huge post about something that changed my life when I was 12 years, old and I don't want to write it again. So i'll resume. My mom told me off for something I did and she told me "if you go on like that you'll end like your uncle" (my uncle has only cared for money all his life and nothing else and therefore now he has extreme personal problems). So i started changing my views in life and the way I treated people and the way I wanted people to treat me. (and I suppose you thought she was wasting her time when she was telling me off hehehe)

Q: Which would be your most mourned personal loss (that is if somebody died, who would you feel worse for)?
A: That's easy. When my grandfather died about 5-6 years ago, everything changed in my family, nothing is the same. Aside from my personal feelings towards him, it's very strange to realize that he was the pillar that made things keep up. Since my grandfather passed away, my family lives scattered and distant, like living individual worlds. I feel very sorry for that loss.

Q: What do you prefer, a nice koala or an ugly tortoise?

|ng (Who declines any responsibility for the questions he comes up with)