Official answer and question thread

haha :grin: stupid me...i actually wanted to ask the opinion of the following person to reply, not of FV exclusively..badly formed question let´s say :p

let me reform it,so that we can keep this thing going :)

so, Q: what about you,next-one-to-reply???what's the farthest you'd arrive for money?

/troll ( out for today,more of me,tomorrow :p)
A: I always thought that I don't live to make money, but unfortunately it's quite important in our society, so I'd go for money enough to live and enjoy of life, not to be trapped under the boot of debts to be paid, a car to be mantained and lots of time invested on gaining more money to keep on paying. No way, it would be quite sad.

Q: What do you find frankly hilarious?

a: the fastest way to earn money is to marry someone extremely rich; let him/her register all his/hers amount with your name, then let him/her die with a good quantity of passionate sex :Saint:

q: what's the fastest way to earn money?
A-1 : Frankly hilarious ? Watching The Big Lebowsky or Snatch while being elegantly wasted. That or hearing my greek-american girlfriend (yup, you've read me) pronounce french-canadian swear words or tell dead baby jokes.

A-2 : Fastest way to earn money : hmm witch's answer to that was perfectly fine indeed. Or just to sell my cd collection :o
@Witch: Err... you're supposed to ask to the last question posted, think that chose randomly the question is not exactly what you're expected to do. :rolleyes: But since I'm not rich, that means we're in real love!!! Chupi!! :hotjump:

A: Too reasonable, even. I tend to embrace the most logical way of thinking possible, measuring my problems and contemplating everything around them, always leaving a room for the doubt or errors, and coming closer to what I think is an objective vision of any issue. Of course I understand is quite hard, but I do my best. It might seem a proper way of acting but life is not entirely logical, and sometimes it is about three thousand miles away from the mere concept of logic so... the success is never guaranteed. :erk:
Of course, sometimes I lose my logic stance because of my natural human feelings, but I refrain myself from doing incoherent things... most of the times. However, I'm a bit clumsy when it comes to handle the problem in a tactful way.

Q: What do you find frankly sad?

heeeeeey, i was jokin'!
btw, actually I go on with 3 kinds of job.. maybe there's something wrong, or maybe is really difficult to earn money in some fastest way :rolleyes:

so, c'mon, smile! do u really think that I would do something like that? :err:
A1: Uhmm leader...uhmmmm Gandalf i suppose, cause real skin leadering demands to much sacrifice that now a days I don't think I'm able to make.
A2: well witch, it's you who showed us the way :loco: hehehe

Q: Which is the worst torture you could imagine? (and I mean real torture not like an hour of Britney Spears or 5 minutes of Cradle Of Filth) :p
[JOKING-DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUS] tsts these men,they think we need them so much :Smug: I'd be cooler to get richer myself than being fed by a rich man...i'n the worst case i'd prefer to make witch's plan with a woman involved :rolleyes: :blushes: :lol: [/JOKING-DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUS ]
okay,stupidities aside....

A:being tied to a chair, while someone keeps my mouth open and pours alcoholic drinks into it while Dream Theater's debut plays in the background...and this going on for a lot of time :waah:
If you want a more serious answer hmmm,i'd rather not think of real real tortures...this issue makes me very sad :(

Q: Do you like Dan Swanö's works????
Q2: why do i feel so hungry tonight??? aaaaaaaaa
A: Think it was you who recommended me some Swanö's CDs, that I haven't checked yet. Too much music, and little time for everything. But it is really something I can do say... right now! ;)

A2: I don't know, maybe you're pregnant. :err: :loco: Hope you're not, there's a lot of things to do before, btw. :)

Q: Is there better musicians than others in black metal or it just depends on who reaches the most depraved face? :confused:

A: No, I think that it´s actually the same guy recording the same cd but just changing the names of the albums and bands...there´s not really "musicians" in the black metal scene :p

Q: Chocolate, Chips or cakes?
*kicks Fv gently* that was for your previous reply :p

A: Chocolate!!! :Spin: or even better ice-cream or chocolate cereals!!! mmmmmmmmm

Q:Black, death or thrash metal?
A: when in the exam of Statistics II i was found copying and thus thrown out of the class. Hopefully the just put a "Failed" in my records and it went no further...I felt pretty ashamed of myself that day...

Q: Which is the situation you've most strongly felt you've been treated unfairly?
A: I don't know, people tend to think that the world should be mostly fair and it shouldn't so... there's plenty of unfair situations all around. I hate particularly those interviews when you're applying for a job, and people treat you like a rabbit in a lab, but without touching your tail. However the most unfair situation is the way the world works: you live comfortably because some other people die.

Q: What's the next thing in your list of "things I have to do before I die"?

fucking UM ate my reply :waah:

A: easy one ;) To travel the whole Scandinavia and if possible live for some time in my superfavourite land Sweden & speak svenska all day :Spin: In the worst case live a bit in Iceland or norway...
I hope i'll at least travel a bit there before i die... :cry:

Q: What would be the ideal profession for you?
A: Full-time writer. But not writing articles for magazines or stuff like that. Writing good books the whole year :Spin:

Q: Would you prefer working from home or have to go somewhere to work?
A: To work at home might be a double edged weapon: on the sweet and tender side you can be comfortably at home, wake up whenever you want to, etc. But it means also you relate work and home to the same place, your work is no longer marked in a timetable (and it's a benefit to be taken happily by your boss, who's not gonna wait for your work to be done in a specific lapse of time, but just to be done, and that means you have no excuses like "I'm due to work just for 8 hours a day"). It also means that your social life will decrease noticeably, since it is already hard to meet people off work during the week, go figure when you're working independantly of timetables.

Q: Do you think your boss is going to release your time that easily?
