Official buying advice thread

What solo?

Cant tell ya, its something I snaged off XM on my portable XM/MP3player. I dont know the title its live that all I know. I listened to it again and the first part sounds more like a oboe, later on it gets more like a violin. Might be using a volumn pedal for all I know. But players have been doing it for years with their volumn pots as well.
Short question: What can I use to make the sound from my POD X3 loud enough to compete with a loud metal drummer and bassist?

More detail: Actually, I'm the bassist, and I'm asking this question on behalf of the guitarist I play with. He had a nice all-tube amp (B-52 100W with a 4x12 cab) that sounded nice, but he was really irked by the fact that it sounded different every day based on temperature and humidity and even the wiring of the building we were playing in seemed to change the sound as is the nature of tubes. So, he went digital, and bought a POD X3 Live. He heard that Meshuggah plays PODs into PAs, and that's his favorite tone, so there you go. His first attempt at making it loud was a QSC power amp pushing 360 watts of solid state power into the 4x12 guitar cab (with the cab models off of course), and it sounded good, but not loud enough. He tried going into the power amp input of his tube head, but that was really not good at all. Into the guitar input of the amp from the POD, it sounds ok sometimes, but still different every day and less good than just the amp.

So, has anyone had any luck using a POD (or other modeller) in a live situation for metal? Should he try using non-guitar speaker cab(s) with the QSC power amp? It could be that that B52 cab is inefficient, and even PA bins with teh QSC might be better. Anything else that might work?

Most of our gigs don't have enough PA support to be reliable for this, so we like to bring our own everything. If we have to lug a PA, we will, I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice.

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't search for "POD" because it's not enough characters.

Also, hi, I'm new.

360W power amp and not enough volume?

Are the mids scooped? That will destroy a guitars volume.
platinum is their 2nd worst series.

Another quite distinctive feature is its dual humbucking pickups.

when a listing says somthing like this, RUN AWAY! theyre stretching for good things to write about.
Lol. When I sell my strat I'll say that it has double single coil pickups. But of course I'm thinking of changing the pickups. So opinions:

These are what were recommended to me in the "find your pickup" thing on the DiMarzio web site.


Air Norton
Breed Neck
Paf Pro


Pro Track
Air Norton 5
I have a friend that has a BC Rich Warlock custom with emg's floating bridge and custom lightning paint job but the fret board was coming off. Don't know if he ever got it fixed though. They're and alright feel to them but i wouldn't buy one..
I have an ESP F-50 guitar and a Spider III 15 watt amp.

I've never bought anything from Rondo Music, but I've heard great things about it, so if you decide to get something from that site, you're pretty much guaranteed to love it.

In addition to the Spider III series and Micro Cubes that Matt mentioned, I've also heard good things about Transtube. Keep in mind that all three of these models are all practice amps though.
I recommend you to buy Jackson or Ibanez. Those guitars are really good, and both of them have good models for beginners as well. Don't take fender, squier or ESP-LTD, since those guitars suck. But that's only my opinion. I recommend you go to the store and try different guitars.

@ Feather & Flames: I totally agree with you, it's really annoying for example when you are searching for new members to your band, and all musicians you can find are guitarists. no drummers, vocalists, bassists, or keyboard players.
@ Feather & Flames: I totally agree with you, it's really annoying for example when you are searching for new members to your band, and all musicians you can find are guitarists. no drummers, vocalists, bassists, or keyboard players.
That's weird. When my brother and I were thinking about starting a band in high school, we received one offer after another from just about every "vocalist" that our school had to offer, even though we weren't looking for one and weren't accepting applications either. We also received a lot of offers from "lyricists."

I think this was right around the first season of American Idol though, back when everyone still thought they could sing.

EDIT: Real vocalists are impossible to find. People who think they are vocalists are impossible to avoid.