Official buying advice thread

moved to the proper thread

when i saw vital remains, one of the guys was playing an agile, which is sold on rondo. i was impressed and suprised!
I think this was right around the first season of American Idol though, back when everyone still thought they could sing.

EDIT: Real vocalists are impossible to find. People who think they are vocalists are impossible to avoid.

Agreed, it seems that more girls think they can sing than guys imo. Its kind of annoying. Not to brag but I think I'm better than most people I know are at singing (doesn't mean I think I'm awesome). If most people actually payed attention to their pitch then they would be better.

Its weird when people don't even realize how crappy they sing. Like my brother, who got kicked out of his Algebra class today for singing. If I told him he sucked he would get mad.
harmony Pedals?

I bring this back up again because I mentioned my SGX 2000 before and said I wasnt sure if it would do proper key intervals. Tonight I discovered that as well as choosing your pitch interval you CAN also pick your "base key" which improved things considerably for thirds and sevenths

I hope to be getting my 2nd bass this summer, as after 6/7 months I want to move on from my generic crappy beginner one. My budget will be approx £200-300. I've checked out some of the Ibanez Soundgears in that range and they look great (still got to try them out for real, but I like the sound of the slim neck and medium frets), and I thought i'd see if I could get some opinions and suggestions.

a great place to start!

lets narrow it down though. 5 string? thats what i would do.

another i would consider is the peavey grind. good quality for a good price. it does have passive pickups though. i dont know if you want active or not. ive played a few and liked em. the bassist in my band plays one as well and he likes it (though he is gonna "upgrade" to traben. i have no earthly idea why)
Thanks, I'll give that one a look. I'm not too fussed about active or passive so its cool. I have been considering 5 strings but perhaps it'd be more reasonable to stick to 4 for now seeing as I've still really only been playing 6-7 months.

Edit: oh yeah, seeing as i'm just 16 I don't really have the biggest hands, although I do have fairly long fingers (so I'm told) which I guess compensates, but I'm still unsure about being able to handle a full scale 35". Keep in mind that I don't even know what scale my current one is (but it looks big and fits snugly in a full scale softcase so I assume its 35"), so perhaps a 34" would make it a tiny bit easier? (I notice the Peavey Milennium is 34"). I should probably measure my current bass and do some looking around.
I need recommendations on fingerweights.

I found [ame=""]these[/ame] on amazon.

Are there any better ones or cheaper ones?
I guess I could just spend the money on the DS browser. But since what I currently do for speed isn't working, anyone know any good exercises?
I've been doing that for months, not getting that many results, I guess its different for different people.
If it's finger strength you're looking to build up, try legato excercises. The ultimate one being trills. Start a trill on any combination of fingers and keep it going for as long as you can, then switch until you've gone through all possible pairs of fingers. Ring and pinkie is always the hardest.

In addition to scales, try the 1-2-3-4 excercises. In a similar way to the legato excercise, you can mix it up with different finger combinations like 1-3-2-4, 3-4-2-1 etc...

Those two will really get your dexterity going. Syncing it up with your picking hand is a whole other matter. It's all about starting slow then building it up gradually.
For the guitar I really like the Dean Razorback.

And for the amp I was thinking a Line6

The guitar/amp I have now is the Ibanez jump start electric package.

What do you guys think about this combo and will it be a good upgrade? Also I would like to know if I should replace the pick-ups.

Also I will be playing mostly metal.

I don't recommend Dean guitars. Their USA line is nice, but their imports are crappy guitars. Check out LTD, Ibanez, and Agile for good guitars in your price range.

The Spider amp is all right, but I personally prefer the sound of the Vox Valvetronix.
although im not a fan of dean.. they arent crap, for 5-600 that setup isnt that bad, i would honestly save up for a better amp, but if you cant that spider will do just fine.