Official buying advice thread

Thinking about getting a new guitar. Budget: Under $500 Styles: Power Metal, Thrash Metal, maybe Death/Thrash and even Black Metal. Mostly power metal, but I would like to keep my options open.

My current guitar (in black):\
I love it very much.

I'm not desperate to get a new guitar, so I don't want to get anything that isn't a significant improvement. But any suggestions would be nice, because otherwise I'll just blow all my cash on more fucking cds.
I've been into Metal and Classical music since I was 11/12, and played the piano for about 2 years up until college work got heavy and I had no time :/

Taking a gap year now and I want to play the electric guitar because I fucking love metal. I have no clue where to look, so if its any help here is the sort of stuff im into:

Metallica, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Children of Bodom (love Alexei's style), Lamb of God, Rammstein, Arch Enemy, Amon Amarth...

Don't know if that was necessary, but what guitar and specs would you recommend?

Thanks a lot,
Metalbeard :headbang:
Hi everyone..
Can anyone recommend a cheap distortion pedal that's decent enough for metal. I'm pretty short on cash so it doesn't have to be good enough for Hypocrisy or something, but at least somewhere around early Pantera. Or maybe a cheap sound processor would be a better solution?
Exactly how short on cash are you? I don't know that much about pedals, but if you can give us a price range, someone on here will be able to give you a recommendation.

However, a quick eBay search reveals that Marshall, Digitech, Ibanez, Rocktron, Rogue, Boss, DOD and... Dinosaur? all make pedals that can be found in what I would consider to be the "short on cash" range. The only pedal I've ever used though was some kind of DOD and I thought it sucked. However, I've heard great things about anything made by Boss.

EDIT: Also, if you check out, most of their products have user ratings, and all the pedals that I've looked at so far have soundclips available.
I'd recommend a used Ibanez to cut down costs and still get a good starter axe. But as Sceloporus said don't bust it all on the guitar, buy a decent amp.
Best thing to do is buy a cheap acoustic and get a teacher and then see how it goes,you'll find out if you feel comfortable playing guitar,and then you should look into buying an electric guitar
Very true, but instead you should buy a cheap electric, so you don't have to spend more on an electric if you want one. But why don't you just play bass or drums, too many people play guitar. If you just wanna be rich you have a better chance of making it big as a decent drummer than a decent guitarist.
Ibanez RGs are excellent guitars. My current amp is a marshall MG, so I can't really give any advice there ^ ^
For amps I'd recommend looking into Laney. Absolutly fantastic amps, and at a reasonable price (well here in England anyway). Anyways I'd go along the line of second hand gear so as to not spend too much.
I'd recommend a used Ibanez to cut down costs and still get a good starter axe. But as Sceloporus said don't bust it all on the guitar, buy a decent amp.

Y'arr. Vox has some good cheap solid state combos, should leave you about $550 for the guitar. You can get a damn good used electric for that.
I wouldn't care if they looked the same if they weren't ugly >.>

but the way they look is completely unimportant and irrelevant to the music. Most basses are shaped in a general way for many reasons ( balance, playability, etc. ). There are some basses with extreme shapes that look metal but they often have severe neck dive, are very weighty, or have one of a number of disadvantages over a plain looking bass.

And if you pay attention to some extreme bands you'll see even their bass players have very plain looking instruments.

Martin Mendez - Opeth - Fender Jazz
Alex Webster - Cannibal Corpse/Hate Eternal - Modulus and Spector
Tony Choy - Atheist - Zon Basses
Shane Embury - Napalm Death - LTD Basses ( and I think Warwicks )
If you want a decent bass for playing metal, get a Warwick or even a Spector. Some better SoundGears are ok too. But if you're willing to spend some bucks, I'd recommend a Modulus hands down.

Steve Harris uses a Fender P Bass. Making that the ultimate metal instrument.

I disagree completely.
Very true, but instead you should buy a cheap electric, so you don't have to spend more on an electric if you want one. But why don't you just play bass or drums, too many people play guitar. If you just wanna be rich you have a better chance of making it big as a decent drummer than a decent guitarist.
Who talked about being rich... dude what are you talking about? I want to play guitar because I would love playing heavy riffs.

I've played on my friends classical acoustic guitar, I don't really like it, because I'm not into playing soft classical tunes anymore, otherwise I would stick to the piano. Drums are great, especially double bass, but I'd rather play the guitar :kickass: