Official buying advice thread

alot of the recordings ive heard online of the H&K dont really showcase the full distortion. i'll see what i can come up with. but i can tell you i am pleased with the tone. that said, its more of a grindy/fuzzy tone than a chunky one

as for the reverb. digital effects are done by a chip. just like your line 6. spring reverb is one of the old ways of making reverb. its a giant spring in a tank that vibrates. i would argue that real spring reverb is much warmer than a digital replication.
alot of the recordings ive heard online of the H&K dont really showcase the full distortion. i'll see what i can come up with. but i can tell you i am pleased with the tone. that said, its more of a grindy/fuzzy tone than a chunky one

as for the reverb. digital effects are done by a chip. just like your line 6. spring reverb is one of the old ways of making reverb. its a giant spring in a tank that vibrates. i would argue that real spring reverb is much warmer than a digital replication.
Ah, that would explain why the clean samples on the site sound so much better than the clean tone on my Spider and why the DFX models are so much cheaper than the R models.

If you don't have the time to make a recording though, don't worry about it. I'm looking at a few other amps that I found on musiciansfriend and I'll youtube them in three weeks when I get back to school anyway.

I'll post all of my options after I sort through them a little more.
so, done with drums. on to cymbals. who offers the best bang for your buck?

i like some of the options zildjian has, specifically in the effect cymbal department. (see crash of doom). paiste and meinl are high on the list as well
OK, I see that someone tried asking a question about buying a (cheap) drumkit way earlier in this thread, and didn't get many replies, but I'm going to give it another shot.

I have MAYBE $800 to spend, and that's presuming I don't eat for the rest of the month lol (priorities, right?). I realize that I'm not going to get a hell of a lot for that price, but I'm hoping I can at least get something that I can practice on, and add onto later. Any advice as to what I absolutely need, and what I can go without for now, or on the cheapest drums I can get that won't sound like absolute shit? Oh, and some of that $800 needs to cover the cost of a double-bass pedal.
Good and the price range you mentioned aren't compatible.

You can get a decent Schecter for the price you listed. Agile might have something for you, but their nice 7 string ( The Interceptor Pro ) is $600.
Well I'm looking to buy some new pick-ups for my strat( was s-s-s planning on rewiring H-s-s). I'm pretty sure I want Texas specials for neck and mid, but I'm looking for a good bridge PU. I want something with a some-what high output but it has to be passive.
What do you guys recommend.
okay, guys, the time has come to get a new axe. My budget is a maximum of $900. After I get it I plan on putting in Seymour Duncan Blackouts, so I don't care what pickups it comes with. I plan to put on 11s and tune to D standard. My main styles are death, thrash, and melodic death metal.

The ideal tones I'd like to get (not exact, but a tone somewhere in here):

I don't really care too much about clean tone. If it's a good guitar, it should sound nice though.

I'm aware that kreator are in drop d, AA are in B, and BDM are in C, by the way.

The guitars I've looked at so far have been a BC Rich Bich (about $500), which was crap, a Rhoads that was about $640, and a Schecter which was about $840. I quite liked the rhoads and the schecter. I plan to play with them some more and get opinions from my friends, but I'm asking for some more recommendations if you got 'em.

The important thing for me is of course sound. Form does not follow function, but it really should. For that reason I stayed away from Jacksons till now, because they seemed like flashy guitars with little substance, but I tried one and it was great.

Also, I'd like a fast neck; I tried an SG and it was just unplayable.
The Ibanez S has the fastest neck I've ever played with but it's tone completely lacks bottom end. I still thought a lot about it.

I currently play an Ibanez RG 2EX1. I bought it for about $300. It was very cheap, but actually plays extremely well, and the only thing wrong with it really is the stock pickups. But the time has come for a major upgrade. I'm not going to buy anything that's not significantly better than what I have now.
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Why are you dead set on the SD blackouts? They weren't used on any of the recordings you provided.

As for the tones you listed, any guitar can really do those tones if you have the right pickup and the right amp. What amp are you running?