Official chatting thread in all the languages

Originally posted by Hearse
Älliä ja kukkia - kullia ja äkkiä
Kuiskaaja Rajala pisti rahaa likoon jotta Pekka saisi linnun. - Raiskaaja Kujala pisti lihaa rakoon jotta likka saisi pennun.
Kuukerin nelli teki lasikukon. - Neekerin kulli teki kusilakon.
Pietari Suuri Vaasan linnassa hattuja polki. - Suutari pieri Liisan vannassa pottuja halki.
Viskiä tutuille muki tolkulla - tuskia vituille toki mulkulla

Yes i think that german and finnish are goood languages and would be cool to learn them. i dont no to many words but here are somethings i no in german... krach schlagen-to raise hell scher dich zum teufel!-go to hell beravscht-drunk sagen-suck blutdurstig-bloodthirsty der todesengel-angel of death and :lol: der regnerishe Tag-fine day for ducks
Originally posted by Hearse
That sure does exclude me. :lol:

I think swedish-swedish sounds sexy when talken by hot swedish lady :D

German sounds... ehhh too flatline or something... I dont like it :lol:
I can't understand that Swedish-Swedish way of speaking, it's so...icky...:lol: how do they do that??
And's excercises your tongue muscles :p