Official chatting thread in italian!

they'll also be watching you with the faintest trace of suspicion. ;) actually the last part is more pronounced like "lo!" in "lo and behold!".
the good side in italian is that what you see is quite often what you get.
the bad side in italian is that what you see is quite often what you get.

*from el pais* literal translation

horóscopo de leo - oroscopo del leone

no soportas ver triunfar a los demás aunque siempre sabes esbozar tu mejor de las sonrisas para disimular tus verdaderos sentimientos. ten mucho cuidado porque tus amigos de siempre no admiten esa soberbia. tu pareja se siente un poco solitario/a. espabila amigo leo, tu vida es genial, aprovéchala.

non sopporti di veder trionfare i più anche se sai sempre sfoggiare il migliore dei tuoi sorrisi per nascondere i tuoi veri sentimenti. fai molta attenzione perché i tuoi amici di sempre non tollerano quella superbia. un tuo parente si sente un po' solo/a. espabila (sorry, i'm missing this one) amico leone, la tua vita è piacevole, gustala.
@Rei: how did you knew I'm a leone?

@mourningstar: I'm still looking for an italian butcher, they are very hard to find here :guh:
Originally posted by Rei Toei
fai molta attenzione perché i tuoi amici di sempre non tollerano quella superbia.

i'm getting uncertain about my origins. although this is supposedly my native language, i find this sentence fairly confusing. :confused:
quale superbia non tollerano, esattamente, i miei amici di sempre?

now i want my horoscope posted. :rolleyes:

@Amigo Leo: No sé qué pretendes decir con el tema |ngeniusitico, estoy convencido de que sabrás aclarármelo.

@To the rest: I'm |ngenius, someone who stirs curiosity and admiration everywhere. (Skip the first phrase, it's a part of my self-confidence campaign) Glad to be finally into a fairly italian meeting, specially considering that Rei Toei and Rahvin are involved. :D I'm from Catalunya (Spain), fact that impedes me to be an italian, but I wanted to, I promise!

|ngenius (who never speaks in any serious way)
|ngeniusitis: nombre que he decidido dar a la enfermedad temporal que aqueja a algunas personas, y que consiste en traducir las cosas un tanto "libremente"

translation: welcome to the chat board Mr. |ngeniusitis, please feel free to participate in any thread you like, but don't tell us about your masochistic, homosexual and toiletry fantasies, as is your custom
@Amigo Leo: Resulta esperanzador saber que eres una enfermedad. :p

My homosexuality is a personal affair, please, join into my harem or don't annoy this robot , mr. mexican. :rolleyes:

|ngenius (Just a robot)