Official Cheap Bastards: Time to Purchase Your Tickets Thread

Awesome. I appreciate you and those with the flyers still working the show for me. I hope a few others are doing this that haven't spoken up.

I am doing what I can, I reposted your Facebook link today and try to post bulletins on myspace when time permits. I am thankful to have a good job so I was able to buy tickets for all 4 days as soon as they went on sale. Unfortunately not everyone is as lucky as I am. Hopefully there will a few procrastinators and the remaining tickets will find some homes. It's a shame for there to be any leftovers for this festival of all festivals :)
I've been consistently posting at ProgPower on various metal communities over at Livejournal. I'm not sure if it's made a difference, though. Mostly, people bitch about it being "all the way in Georgia." I have a hard time not telling them to go cry in a corner...
Mostly, people bitch about it being "all the way in Georgia." I have a hard time not telling them to go cry in a corner...

Hate to tell you, but the fact of it being in Georgia is a major factor why thousands of people who might otherwise be interested can't make it (myself included).

I personally would love to come to Prog Power someday.
Many PP regulars I know rave year after year of the fest and try to get me to go.

I am more than convinced that this is an amazing event, and try to support it by speaking of it on other forums too, and posting here with my thoughts and opinions (And as most know, I am more of a doom metal guy than a power metal guy these days).

I am not trying to be argumentative OrbWeaver.
I am just saying that its location is a factor.
Location is a factor for any metalhead who isn't in a position to travel.

I know many people here leave work, family, kids, bills, etc, behind to come to the fest, and that is great. That's just not terribly realistic for me.

I am sure that is the case for TONS of people who would be interested.
We'll go cry in the corner.

If the Chicago-area venues that Glenn contacted after PPUSA 1 hadn't given him the cold shoulder -- or no response at all -- you wouldn't be crying in the corner. Same goes for Philly, NYC.....
I, personally, am eternally grateful that PPUSA ended up in Atlanta. I've lived in the Southeast my entire metal-loving life, and I've only been able to travel elsewhere for metal shows a select few times--once for Chicago Powerfest, when it was still kickass (hopefully it will be again in the future), and twice for Maryland Deathfest. Never have I been able to make it overseas...but one day!

If the Chicago-area venues that Glenn contacted after PPUSA 1 hadn't given him the cold shoulder -- or no response at all -- you wouldn't be crying in the corner. Same goes for Philly, NYC.....

I would rather go to Atlanta than any of those places. Only California would be better :)

I've had to "piece-meal" it this year. I got my Gold badge right away, then a friend purchased the showcase tix and Wed night tix for me (I still have to send the cash to them for it), then my daughter decided to go, so just her squared away there, but now need to purchase a Wed night tix and showcase for her.

The lesson for this year is patience and doing it a little at a time. This only works when you have a good memory or a list to refer to (ha ha).
If the Chicago-area venues that Glenn contacted after PPUSA 1 hadn't given him the cold shoulder -- or no response at all -- you wouldn't be crying in the corner. Same goes for Philly, NYC.....

And if it were in Chicago, there would STILL be plenty of people whining and crying about how it's "all the way in Chicago."

The point, Jason, is that people would bitch about the location no matter where it was. The reason I'd like to tell them to go cry in a corner is because they're likely just using location as an excuse not to go. There are plenty of people that make it from all over the country just fine, without complaining.
Hate to tell you, but the fact of it being in Georgia is a major factor why thousands of people who might otherwise be interested can't make it (myself included).

I have been to ProgPower 6 times flying from Chicago and I do not understand why anyone would complain about the location. Besides having to go to the South :), it cannot get any easier.

1. You fly out of any airport to Atlanta.
2. From the airport in Atlanta, you get on the train and get off at the Art Center
3. You cross the street and your hotel is right there (assuming your at the Granada)
4. To get to the venue, you walk 3 - 5 minutes down the SAME street and your at the best music festival

You do not have to worry about getting a taxi unless you want to go off and site see. And there are plenty of food places that delivers to all hours of the night.

I know money, family, work, not really into this kind of music, etc.. can be an issue for not going. But if your reason to not go is just because the venue is in another state, that is just plain stupid.

Jason - I'm not trying to single you out, I just don't understand why someone would not want to go to PP. Especially just because it's in another state. Hell, I can't think of any better place to go on a vacation.
I know money, family, work, not really into this kind of music, etc.. can be an issue for not going. But if your reason to not go is just because the venue is in another state, that is just plain stupid.

Well, you hit the nail on the head!
Speaking personally, going to Prog Power would mean leaving family behind for multiple days. I am not willing to do that just to see bands. It would have to take something EXTREMELY huge for me to do that personally. That is a fact, not an excuse.

As I said before, and I state this because people here are getting WAY too defensive about this, I feel Prog Power is an amazing festival. I have only heard good things, and have tons of respect for all involved (promoters, bands, and even the fans).

I think some might be missing the point, esp with replies as, "I don't see why anyone wouldn't go"

Hate to tell you, but there are obviously TONS of people in my position. If not, then Prog Power would be on festival grounds housing 20,000 + attendees.

I think it's great that this festival caters to a niche audience.
I think the only issue I have is that some of the regulars think it is blasphemous that EVERYONE doesn't come travel, just because it is Prog Power.

I would love to possibly come someday to the festival.
It's a fact though that for MANY people, it is about the bands playing, and not just the Prog Power experience (as it is for a lot of the regulars, which I think is totally cool, just not for everyone).
The point, Jason, is that people would bitch about the location no matter where it was. The reason I'd like to tell them to go cry in a corner is because they're likely just using location as an excuse not to go. There are plenty of people that make it from all over the country just fine, without complaining.

I know where you are coming from.
People do complain about driving more than 30 minutes for shows.
I go to shows anywhere in the Chicagoland area which I want to go to.

The point is that for me personally to travel for a show / festival (where I would be paying gas, airfare possibly, hotel, time away from family, etc), it would have to be for something extremely important.

Let's face the facts here people.
Prog Power success is also its own demon.
Due to the success of Prog Power, hundreds of metal bands can now tour the US that didn't have the opportunity / demand previously.

As a result, any festival in the US is not as exclusive as before.
Same thing happened with Milwaukee Metalfest.
That was the ONLY place for many years to see underground death / black / thrash / etc bands. Now, there is a death metal package tour hitting your local House of Blues every month.

Its simple economics here folks. Supply and demand.
The "supply" is a lot greater than ever before, with metal tours.

This will result in less people traveling for shows.
I think ANY promoter, Glen included, will not argue this fact.

So, while there are hundreds of people who will still faithfully travel to Prog Power (Which is awesome), there are tons who may not find it as "unique" of an event, based on the bands. Sure, the overall experience can not be matched by your average local metal gig. I won't argue that, based on just the stories I have heard.
The point, Jason, is that people would bitch about the location no matter where it was. The reason I'd like to tell them to go cry in a corner is because they're likely just using location as an excuse not to go. There are plenty of people that make it from all over the country just fine, without complaining.

Hell, Chicagoans bitch when they have to go "all the way to the Pearl Room" instead of having a show downtown. :lol:
First I'd like to say to ANYONE who has NOT attended this festival, you shouldn't speak of the "experience" of it all. Someone could describe it to you all day long and still not come close to doing it justice. It is simply undescribable. My first PPUSA was #4. I knew at that show I would NEVER miss it again (Atleast as long as Glenn was doing this show). The whole "leaving family and kids behind" is a good excuse for some...... But its just that, another excuse. I have 5 kids, 17,12,10,8, and 3 yrs old(yes its brutal on child support), I make arrangements for them MANY months in advance. It's not like you dont have a year to get your responsibilities in order! As far as the money, let me tell you, 3 years ago after my divorce, I was sooo freaking broke, I was eating bologna sandwich's for almost a year. I did NOT miss Progpower. I donated plasma for the cash! So, I did a public service AND got to go to the best show on the planet. Progpower was basically my vacation, my escape from the daily grind of reality. This show is a class act! Top to Bottom! I thank Glenn EVERY year, I've been a gold Badge member since PPUSA XII. I drive 5+ hours from Louisville Kentucky every year, its a pain in the ass, but I would be disappointed if the show was moved to a different venue. If you want to attend this show then do it! Plan ahead like a responsible adult and do it. We all know what excuses are like....and everyone has one. It took me 3 years to convince my friend Joel to come with me to the show. Now, he swears he will never miss it again.
I think the arguement of supply and demand is completely unfounded, and would only be made by someone who has never attended this event. It is indeed MORE than just the bands. We who attend the show every year all understand, this is our extended brothers and sisters(ONLY WITHOUT THE FIGHTING). I have been going to this show for a long time and dont recall ANYONE fighting, a few heated arguements but not fighting. Where else can you go and have a drink and great conversation with your very best friends, all 900+ of em!?
Anyway, I would like to thank EVERYONE on this forum for all the bands that get talked about. Especially when there is a post on what bands people want to see at the show. I mean wow, I have become a fan of sooo many bands thanks to you guys.
again thank you all, but to my PPUSA brothers and Sisters, see ya in a few weeks!
Pretty good guestlist this year, I've gotta say....

I've got friends who are going to DragonCon for the first time because of the guest list.

I've never been, but it amazes me how much DragonCon has grown from when I lived down in the area back in the 80s when it was just another con...