Official Cheap Bastards: Time to Purchase Your Tickets Thread

First I'd like to say to ANYONE who has NOT attended this festival, you shouldn't speak of the "experience" of it all. Someone could describe it to you all day long and still not come close to doing it justice. It is simply undescribable. My first PPUSA was #4. I knew at that show I would NEVER miss it again (Atleast as long as Glenn was doing this show). The whole "leaving family and kids behind" is a good excuse for some...... But its just that, another excuse. I have 5 kids, 17,12,10,8, and 3 yrs old(yes its brutal on child support), I make arrangements for them MANY months in advance. It's not like you dont have a year to get your responsibilities in order! As far as the money, let me tell you, 3 years ago after my divorce, I was sooo freaking broke, I was eating bologna sandwich's for almost a year. I did NOT miss Progpower. I donated plasma for the cash! So, I did a public service AND got to go to the best show on the planet. Progpower was basically my vacation, my escape from the daily grind of reality. This show is a class act! Top to Bottom! I thank Glenn EVERY year, I've been a gold Badge member since PPUSA XII. I drive 5+ hours from Louisville Kentucky every year, its a pain in the ass, but I would be disappointed if the show was moved to a different venue. If you want to attend this show then do it! Plan ahead like a responsible adult and do it. We all know what excuses are like....and everyone has one. It took me 3 years to convince my friend Joel to come with me to the show. Now, he swears he will never miss it again.
I think the arguement of supply and demand is completely unfounded, and would only be made by someone who has never attended this event. It is indeed MORE than just the bands. We who attend the show every year all understand, this is our extended brothers and sisters(ONLY WITHOUT THE FIGHTING). I have been going to this show for a long time and dont recall ANYONE fighting, a few heated arguements but not fighting. Where else can you go and have a drink and great conversation with your very best friends, all 900+ of em!?
Anyway, I would like to thank EVERYONE on this forum for all the bands that get talked about. Especially when there is a post on what bands people want to see at the show. I mean wow, I have become a fan of sooo many bands thanks to you guys.
again thank you all, but to my PPUSA brothers and Sisters, see ya in a few weeks!

Everyone has their priorities. If Jasonic thinks that staying home is more important to him, more power to him.

I'm also a family guy, but I still go. While I love my family, I need my time away, and this is one of my options.
I think it simply comes down to this.
There are two types of attendees for this festival:
1) Those who are PP faithful, who will go regardless of lineup. It is a major annual social event, which is planned a year in advance
2) Metal fans who simply view it as a concert, and will go if there are bands they wish to see

For me, it is #2.
Because, as you mentioned, I didn't like the lineup. Why are you being a dick?

Not being a dick at all.
You are helping me to prove my point!!! :saint:

You aren't willing to come from out of town for Powerfest, unless it is a lineup you want to see. For you, Powerfest is not an "I will come no matter what" event.

I was just trying to showcase that this is the case for many metal fans.
That's all.

No need for anyone to get defensive.
Jason, have you been to ProgPower?

I'm not asking to be a bitch, I'm asking because I truly don't know! I think you may have mentioned going to one some time in the past, but I really don't remember. :/
Jason, have you been to ProgPower?

I'm not asking to be a bitch, I'm asking because I truly don't know! I think you may have mentioned going to one some time in the past, but I really don't remember. :/

no, he hasnt. We have actually talked about going a few times but things have come up. Just for the record....we are not an item. We are show buddies....that still didnt come out right. Jason is my one friend locally who I go to shows with.

I would love to check it out one day. I have always heard amazing things about the fest. For me money isnt an issue...I have plenty. It is that I am a lazy ass.
I think it simply comes down to this.
There are two types of attendees for this festival:
1) Those who are PP faithful, who will go regardless of lineup. It is a major annual social event, which is planned a year in advance
2) Metal fans who simply view it as a concert, and will go if there are bands they wish to see

For me, it is #2.

Actually you make my point. Your just a "metal fan" nothing more? Since you haven't come to Progpower thats all you will feel like. Also, Powerfest is no progpower! I've been. It pales in comparison, decent show but....All who have been to progpower can and would tell you, there is NOTHING like PPUSA. It's not just a concert. You can argue till your blue in the face, but till you go, you will never understand. The fact is I was once just like you. My friend Raymond tried to get me to go to the first 3. I was "just a metal fan" and thought it seemed like a lot of trouble just to go to a "concert". It was the line up at PPUSA IV that made me not want to miss it. Now, since I have been 6 of em, I KNOW this isn't "just another metal show". Everyone is completely entitled to their own opinion and I can totally relate your view point. I guess it all boils down to how much you enjoy seeing live shows, and what it would take to make you want to go, For me all it took was the line up at PPUSA IV. Maybe next year will change your mind.
You aren't willing to come from out of town for Powerfest, unless it is a lineup you want to see. For you, Powerfest is not an "I will come no matter what" event.

More accurately, I am willing to come from out of town for Powerfest, and even sponsor the event, as long as it's a lineup I'm even REMOTELY interested in. This wasn't the case this year, and from now on, it'll be a year-to-year decision for me. ProgPower is pretty formulaic, and therefore I know I will be interested in at least some of the bands each year. Therefore, I generally plan on going prior to any announcements being made. This may change in the near future, because I've been dying to do some other stuff with my money, such as travel (to places other than Atlanta), and because I'm no longer as involved in the scene as I once was, and I'm less and less willing to check out new bands.

For the record, I have been more impressed over the years with the Powerfest lineups than the ProgPower ones.

Sorry for the name-calling... I thought you were being butt-hurt over my comment about Chicagoans. I didn't realize you were using my comments to defeat someone else's point. :)
Actually you make my point. Your just a "metal fan" nothing more. Since you haven't come to Progpower thats all you will be. Also, Powerfest is no progpower! I've been. It pales in comparison, decent show but....All who have been to progpower can and would tell you, there is NOTHING like PPUSA. It's not just a concert. You can argue till your blue in the face, but till you go, you will never understand. The fact is I was once just like you. My friend Raymond tried to get me to go to the first 3. I was "just a metal fan" and thought it seemed like a lot of trouble just to go to a "concert". It was the line up at PPUSA IV that made me not want to miss it. Now, since I have been 6 of em, I KNOW this isn't "just another metal show". Everyone is completely entitled to their own opinion and I can totally relate your view point. I guess it all boils down to how much you enjoy seeing live shows, and what it would take to make you want to go, For me all it took was the line up at PPUSA IV. Maybe next year will change your mind.

how can you call someone "a metal fan" and nothing more if you havent gone to ProgPower. How can a fest make you more??? There are people who love metal and will travel all over for shows and fest....then there are people who are there more to party and hang out. (yes it is true....I talked to one girl at a show last year who didnt even watch any of the bands asides 2) and then there are people who go to shows and buy CD's and post on forums, and lastly there are the types who just see bands they like....I am sure I am missing lots but you get my point.

Way back in the day when I was very into the punk / hardcore scene....I helped out with shows...getting bands booked, helping them get places to stay ( i had a band stay at my parents house for a couple of days even) and even help sell stuff at shows. I was very active within the scene...I did a videozine and traveled to lots of out of state shows. When I got back into metal many years ago I bought with my D.I.Y. mentality on things. While the two scenes are very different I think ProgPower definetly comes close to letting the fan become a part of the show. Which is cool. I think this is what really makes the show special. If meeting bands and hanging out with others is your thing...this is a not to miss event.

For me....I love going to shows.....I am lazy about it sometimes. I am definetly jaded with seeing so many in my lifetime. It would take a really great line up for me to travel far for a show now a days. I am not really into meeting bands anymore....met more than my share....have become good freinds with many....just isnt my thing anymore. While most people think I am negative and closed minded about lots of genres and bands....I think I can easily beat out anyone with trying new bands and buying CD's....I average 3 - 5 new CD's a week. Ranging from all genres. I support the local Metal store (Metal Haven in Chicago), I go to lots of shows, I post on many forums and constantly try to introduce people to good bands. To say I am just "a metal fan" because I dont go to one fest. A very stupid statement.
So all the stuff I do and buy and support means nothing....but you can just go to a show like ProgPower and you are more? How old are you? I am sure it is a good time and such....but it is also what you make of it. Each person is different. Maybe one day I will get to that next level of metal such as you ixrayu and my eyes will be open to a whole new world. Until then I will support metal in other ways.
I kind of take umbrage when people speak this way however, because it is fucking hard for people not only try to make ends meet but even try to grab a little piece of the good life, concerts and the such. I think maybe Mike, try not to be that judgmental...


This is where I'm coming from. It really pisses me off when people who are involved events like this give people attitude about being cheap or whatnot. It's not that I think it's too much money on principle, I could easily justify dropping the money to come to the festival this year, I just simply do NOT have it, it's as basic as that. No matter how much I want to go, it's not going to give me the extra money. That's actually one thing which annoys me about my current situation. The fact that it's 100% justifiable to spend the money this year, but I just can't. I want to see Royal Hunt so unbelievably bad.
how can you call someone "a metal fan" and nothing more if you havent gone to ProgPower. How can a fest make you more??? There are people who love metal and will travel all over for shows and fest....then there are people who are there more to party and hang out. (yes it is true....I talked to one girl at a show last year who didnt even watch any of the bands asides 2) and then there are people who go to shows and buy CD's and post on forums, and lastly there are the types who just see bands they like....I am sure I am missing lots but you get my point.

For me....I love going to shows.....I am lazy about it sometimes. I am definetly jaded with seeing so many in my lifetime. It would take a really great line up for me to travel far for a show now a days. I am not really into meeting bands anymore....met more than my share....have become good freinds with many....just isnt my thing anymore. While most people think I am negative and closed minded about lots of genres and bands....I think I can easily beat out anyone with trying new bands and buying CD's....I average 3 - 5 new CD's a week. Ranging from all genres. I support the local Metal store (Metal Haven in Chicago), I go to lots of shows, I post on many forums and constantly try to introduce people to good bands. To say I am just "a metal fan" because I dont go to one fest. A very stupid statement.
So all the stuff I do and buy and support means nothing....but you can just go to a show like ProgPower and you are more? How old are you? I am sure it is a good time and such....but it is also what you make of it. Each person is different. Maybe one day I will get to that next level of metal such as you ixrayu and my eyes will be open to a whole new world. Until then I will support metal in other ways.

First, (my post was supposed to be, your just a "metal fan" nothing more?)Wrong punctuation.oops It's been corrected on that post)My point wasn't JUST going to progpower makes YOU something more, progpower itself IS something more. Jasonic, I assume, was sayin metal fans look upon PPUSA as just another show. However, its not just a typical concert for a typical fan. Next you COMPLETELY throw yourself under the bus. Next, I'm 40 yrs old and was sitting at Y&T, Kiss, Styx, etc... shows when you were probably in diapers. My Record, tape, and CD collection rivals anyones! I statrted collecting Rock and metal when I was 8 yrs old. I commend you for actually buying cd's by the way. This is the only way to ensure to music keeps coming. Pirates should be shot. You had a band stay at your Mom and Dad's? And you want to know MY age?! I'm not talking about highschool garage bands here. I've been all over the US, Germany, Italy and Sweden for shows(I'm NOT rich, I was stationed in Europe while in the Army), I can tell you there is NOTHING like PPUSA. If meeting bands and hanging with the great fans, and fantastic bands aint your thing then fine. If buying music and spreading the word about bands you like, is your thing, thats great too.(especially since I have checked out bands you have posted on here in the past.Thank You) The entire point of ALL this was to say that IF you really want to be a part of something indescibably special, stop making excuses and go. I know times are tough right now, no doubt. Things are tough all over. I will NEVER dog someone out because the simply can't afford to go. Money has never been tighter for me either. I guess for me I enjoy going so much I plan far in advance to make sure I dont miss it. I've already started saving for next year. But, this isn't your defense at all, You said you'd love to go and have heard great things about the show, but havent been because your too lazy(and you think my statement is "STUPID?"). Then get in a lather saying meeting bands and hanging out and going to shows is behind you and your dont care about it. Well, I understand, I guess (I'm speaking of myself here)after years of going to countless shows where the closest you'll ever get to a band you absolutely love is against a metal(or wooden) barrier with 30,000 people crushing you from behind, or at a rushed "meet and greet" where band members act like it's a punishment for them to even be there with you(Kiss, DIO, Metallica, Dream Theater(except Mike Portnoy), Motley Crue(except Tommy Lee). I can appreciate what progpower is all about. So your "jaded" comment rings soooooo true to me, I feel ya, I was there. If going to the local dive for a death metal show is your thing, more power to ya. The fact that you are into things enough to spread the word is great. If you feel that YOU were singled out, it wasn't even your post I quoted and responded to. The fact remains, come to the show and judge for yourself. I'm sure to some it's nothing more than just another show. But to almost everyone I know that attends, it soo much more..
I would be going, but discretionary income is scarce and I have a chance to go to Italy for a week in October for the low low price of $150 + incidentals. Italy won. You can't beat that deal even with Fates Warning, Royal Hunt and Crimson Glory. I plan on coming next year and dragging a friend or two, though.

I hope a lot of tickets get bought in the next month, otherwise this would be the first year I can recall the event not selling out.
I just bought a house and will be living pretty damn close to the vest for at least a year while my fiance finishes school, and I've already got my tix.
If the ticket price alone is prohibiting you from going, perharps I can work something out with you. Yes, there is a catch. Email me privately for details.

glenn at progpowerusa dot com