
Savatage Fanatic
Sep 13, 2004
Houston, Texas, USA, Earth

I just went to my first PP last year, and I got to thinking how cool is it that Glenn was able to get my two favorite musical entities together - WOMD (I'm afraid that may be as close to Savatage as anyone's ever gonna get again!!) and Edguy. It was sooooooooooooooo cool to see black shirts descending on Earthlink Live!! You just had to see a black shirt anywhere and knew what you had in common with them!!

And that venue - HOW PERFECT IS IT?? You can sit (and at my advanced age - I have to sit every once in awhile!!) or stand. GREAT acoustics, large enough stage (almost large enough for even Tobias Sammet!!), but very, very intimate.

And the crowds. Damn!! I'm older than probably all of you, so I've been going to rock concerts for over 40 years. I REALLY get tired of the crowd antics taking away from the music. OK - I've moshed and crowd surfed, but THIS crowd is there for the music!! DID YOU HEAR THAT?? This crowd is there for the MUSIC FIRST (someone needs to remind MTV and VH1 of that)!! These are, IMO VERY intelligent music fans, and there's plenty of booze, energy and fun, BUT NOTHING DISTRACTS FROM THE MUSIC!! I love this event!!

That brings me to Glenn. From what I understand, until a few years ago, he was just another fan of music. Got into the promoting business and year after year has improved the level of talent he brings to Hotlanta. Just wanna thank you, bro, for bringing acts to the US that most of us would probably NEVER see live (I NEVER thought I'd see Edguy!!). I can't imagine how much work you put into this thing, but is is the best-run show I've ever been to!!
It was too cool last year to see you holding that bottle of Jack up to Jon Oliva during his set!!

Anyway, thanks to Glenn for pulling this off every year. I hope to meet you this time around.

Chris :headbang:

Just outta curiosity, I would like to hear your story of how you got into this biz!!
Guysss, galssss, please, PLEASEeeeee, this guy is tough enough to deal with as it is! Quit with the worship, now, ok!?!?!

Hehe, ok ok he's dah man. <blocks Glenn from this thread>
I moved to Atlanta in 2002 , I found out about this concert in 03 and attended my first Progpower usa last year and now I will try my best never to miss another one again. This is a great fest and I have found many new bands to enjoy that I hadnt heard before. I look forward to my 2nd one next month,so Thanks for the great weekend of music
Here is how he got started, and man - what a pain in the (_!_) to work with! :tickled: :Smug:
Nah - just kidding - great guy to work with/for ! :worship:

Glenn, although some may know this, please tell us how you are affiliated with “ProgPower Europe”?
ProgPower Europe was started as a "fan-driven" festival in Holland by some friends of mine that I had met via the Perpetual Motion Board. They were looking for more of a "prog" oriented festival as there really wasn't a festival in Europe dedicated to that genre. There first year was a mini-success and they have grown every year. At the time of their first show, the States didn't have anything towards the prog/power scene other than Powermad. I had been a faithful Powermad attendee since Keith Menser's 2nd show. I kept waiting for it to take a step up in terms of quality, but it never took off and was starting to die to be honest. With the help of a few beers and some encouragement of some friends of mine, I decided that I'd like to take a shot at running a festival. That's where PP Europe comes in. I contacted them and asked them how they went about starting from scratch. It took off from there.
I've often wondered Glenn's story about how he got started in the promoting business. I guess the best compliment I can offer is that every time I'm on I75 and see the exit signs for Rome, Ga, I go for a Savatage disc almost involuntary, like a sixth sense.
I plan on showing Glenn my appreciation in the way that really counts... by purchase of alocoholic beverages at the pre-pre-party party! :D I think I'm looking forward to him singing Poison almost as much as I am Conception. ;)

I stumbled upon an article on the internet last year from a magazine that was interviewing Glenn, and for the life of me, I can't remember which one it was. Anyway, it was an extensive article about how Glenn got involved with ProgPower....very interesting.

His story in encouraging to me from a entrepreneur's standpoint. If you have the drive, energy, and determination, you can reach your goals! He is to be comended!
OH yeah can we revisit this...

/Survivor music - Glenn!! Glenn Glenn Glenn, Glenn Glenn Glenn, Glenn Glenn Glenn!!!

