Official HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE thread....


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, we have all had these discussions with friends.

How the heck do you pronounce BAND X's name????????

Ok, I will start with an obvious one.


Here are the ways I have heard it through the years?
1) Sloo - Feg
2) Slow - Feg
3) Slou - Feg

What says you?

What other bands have you heard pronounced different ways?
Celtic Frost is another one.
For MANY MANY years I have always heard it pronounced with a soft C, so like Seltic Frost, but its actually Keltic Frost.

Maybe because of the way the Boston Celtics are pronounced???
Celtic Frost is another one.
For MANY MANY years I have always heard it pronounced with a soft C, so like Seltic Frost, but its actually Keltic Frost.

Maybe because of the way the Boston Celtics are pronounced???

I've never heard anyone say 'Seltic Frost' down here, which is surprising because we dun no how to grammer real good in the south.

Of course, this is also a baseball town so I doubt you'll find many people with the Celtics on their radar. Not too surprising when you've been doomed to live with the Hawks for all this time...

Gonna do my best to not include foreign names.

Circle of Ouroborus
Watain (I always thought this was pretty damn easy, but I've heard a few people say it like WAYtain)
Ihsahn (again, always figured it was easy, but I've heard everything from Eye-san to Ee-shawn)
Its surprising how many people even mis-pronounce Dimmu Borgir, at least in America. The g is a hard g like Burger but a LOT of people use soft g. I even saw an interview on TV where the interviewer introduced them wrong. They didnt seem offended but they had a look on their face like "did you even try to prepare for this?". I always thought it was obvious.
Interesting on Agalloch.
I have only heard folks pronounce it as A-Gah-Lock.
I suppose it could be A-Gah-Loch???

Though the Novembers Doom guys, who I first heard about the band from when they toured together many years ago, always pronounced them as A-Gah-Lock, so I am guessing that is correct?

Ihsahn I have too only heard one way, and that being Ee-Sahn

Do you know the correct way?
Its surprising how many people even mis-pronounce Dimmu Borgir, at least in America. The g is a hard g like Burger but a LOT of people use soft g. I even saw an interview on TV where the interviewer introduced them wrong. They didnt seem offended but they had a look on their face like "did you even try to prepare for this?". I always thought it was obvious.

Wow, very interesting.
I never heard anyone use a soft G .

What I have heard are Bore-Gear/

Very rarely, someone will try to sound like they KNOW what they are doing and say something like DIE-MOO, instead of Dih-Moo.

I mean, shit, the frickin word simply means DARK! LOL.

I think Borgir is castle or something.
Interesting on Agalloch.
I have only heard folks pronounce it as A-Gah-Lock.
I suppose it could be A-Gah-Loch???

Though the Novembers Doom guys, who I first heard about the band from when they toured together many years ago, always pronounced them as A-Gah-Lock, so I am guessing that is correct?

Ihsahn I have too only heard one way, and that being Ee-Sahn

Do you know the correct way?

Yeah, I've always pronounced it A-Guh-Lock, too. A friend of mine tried her absolute hardest to convince me that it's A-gah-lick. Who knows....

That's the way I say Ihsahn too. AFAIK it's correct. Even if it's not I probably won't change.

I also had my dentist ask me about a decade ago what "Afee" was, talking about my AFI shirt! Not sure if that qualifies.
Must don't pronounce Samhain properly and even though Danzig himself would know the correct, he even pronounces it like must people.

Rock spelling can get confusing just look at all 100 so "Action" bands out there who spell it differently. The spellings can get as difficult as pointy letter band logos are to read.
I don't both to trying reading pointy letter logos. Matter of fact every time I get a promo from one I take so much joy in going HA "next".
On Cirith Ungol, the explanation I've heard is that the LOTR version has a hard C, but the band name uses a soft C.

I read an interview with the drummer where he said something like "We all read Lord of the Rings, but apparently we never read the glossary because we've been pronouncing the band name wrong this whole time."
Cirith Ungol is pronounced a lot different than most say it as well.

it is really pronounced Cir-ee-th Ungol

Keereth Ungol is the proper pronunciation. Hard "C" not the soft "C" that the band uses in the song.

Also, Slough Feg is like plough, with an "ow" sound. I'm guilty of pronouncing it like slew feg though.
Must don't pronounce Samhain properly and even though Danzig himself would know the correct, he even pronounces it like must people.

Ha, I have had this discussion with folks over the years too.

The traditional pagan pronounciation is SOW-HAIN, I believe right???

Anyhow, Dr Loomis says "Samhain" in Halloween Part 2, and so does Danzig and Pagan Altar. All three parties are cooler to me and more important to me than some historian who tells me it is incorrect!!! LOLZ.......
Pagan Altar thought that Armadeus was a demon name, but Terry admitted that he didn't do research and got confused with Asmodeus. Armadeus has a better ring to it though lol.