Official Off Topic Thread

never laughed at one of these until i saw this

For Zach & Montu -

Looks like the guys from Necrophagist are staying at the Holiday Inn next door to where I work. Big ass Ibanez/Necrophagist tour bus parked by our garage. I THINK I saw Marco, the drummer, but I had to haul ass and get punched in because I was late...I only know of him from his work with Mike Keneally
Do they really have nothing better to report about in Australia that they;re doing an article about lolCats?

LOL the irony that I'm reading htis on Caturday.
^^ Yep, stories about the bulk carrier stranded on a beach in New South Wales or half of Victoria being flooded aren't important any more.
Well guys, I'm seriously considering leaving one of my bands right now. From people not caring about learning the parts that are written to people saying I have an ego that I don't have due to a simple misconception, and my drummer being a constant and incessantly annoying person to deal with, and the fact that two of the members are leaving for college in two months anyway gives me reason enough to not pursue the project any further. :erk: