Official Off Topic Thread

Oh holy shit i just read jax's sticky post. Good stuff! I mean, i'll be first to admit that i am a dick a lot of the time, but i still think this place is way better than most forums (despite me being here heh).

Jax, you always make good calls, and even though it may not seem like it all the time, even us assholes have [generally] nothing but good to say about you, even in private conversations. Thanks for making this a fun place to keep coming back to.

*applauds jax*

Ok, done kissing ass. Back to your regularly scheduled off topic bullshit banter folks!
like i said to Bran in private message.. it is just the pretty boy with long hair thing.. they dont look totally the same, but if youre not paying attention like i wasn't.. it could be an honest mistake..
First time I joined the forums Brandon had an avatar of hismelf that looked oddly like one I had taken of Ben and that's just how I got the association. So there.