Official Off Topic Thread

Ps. It's me. In disguise! (Shhh!!) :lol:

Had to delete my old account for *reasons* so sorry about disappearing posts :(

Hope everyone's well!

Friday night there was a party at Snake Mountain (the Skelator house... just think about it) for MetalJeff's 28th birthday bash. It was fucking crazy fun, and Iron Falcon played... they're a cover band made up of members from many local bands including one of Skelator's guitarist and the drummer who will be filling in for us in Germany. It was a great party and good set. One of the local bands called Fallen Angels played a few songs for the first time in over a year since most of the members were there (they didn't have their vocalist, but Eric, the guitarist who used to do the vocals went ahead and kicked ass on them anyway). Then a bunch of people said they wanted to hear some Skelator, and after a lot of convincing, we finally got Robbie to do it. We were all drunk (except the drummer) and we had never even rehearsed together with Josh (the drummer), but we did two songs anyway that went really fucking well. We were all totally surprised and had that "fuck yeah!" feeling afterwords. Unfortunately, there were no pictures taken but I'm going to try to get a few taken at practice today at the request of a pretty lady ;)

Yesterday i woke up at around 11:30 and went to breakfast / lunch with Robbie and their russian roommate, watched some of the Manowar Earthshaker fest dvd and proceeded to clean up the whole house, including sweeping, mopping, gathering all the dead and wounded soldiers, throwing away cups, all that crap. 2 hours later, the house looked better than it has in a long time. Never underestimate the power of cleaning while listening to good metal, which included Sabbath and Priest on vinyl as well as some Helstar. :kickass: