Official Off Topic Thread

I used to load 3 SX CD's in my shop stereo and play them all day and I still dont know the names to most of the songs and I have to play through them to identify specific parts.
That method probably has something to do with why its all a big blur to me. I was into it and got alot done, excellent intence production work music.

Where I work the guys in the plant listen to pop rap and lateeda type songs. they move like sloths, me thinks they need a good dose of metal, production will improve, profits will rise and I can get a big raise...... yarite!
Where I work, no music allowed, since I'm on the phones, condemned to grave servitude by one of the biggest airlines in the US. Lol.
So, I get to listen to stuff on my iPod on the commute to and from work.
well, it's not that I don't like it. It's just that some people who think they're travel-savvy fudge things up even for me, a tenured reservations guy. Been in this gig for two years now, and I still get people complaining about not reading the fine print on their tickets.
man...I'm officially freaked the fuck out. I was just asleep and then there was some really loud thump on my wall followed by someone banging on my door. So I jumped up to the door and looked out the peephole and it was my neighbor. Since i was hardly clothed, still half asleep, and was startled enough to grab a steak knife on my way to the door I just sat there silent until he went away. Then another knock on the wall follwed by him coming back to the door and knocking again. I just stayed quiet and waited for him to leave again. It's been about an hour since that, but my heart rate is still insane and there's no way I'm getting any sleep and I'm definitely not doing anything until morning. Hopefully I can figure out what's going on.....I'm gonna feel really fucking bad though if the guy was in need of some kind of help or something. Then again, better safe than attacked by the shady guy next door at 3 am. I've never known what to make of the guy. He's never bothered me or anything and always responds when I say "hi" in passing....but I've also always gotten the impression that that's the full extent how much interaction I wanted with him...

oh more ridiculously-tired-3-am-stream-of-thought-forum- posting for me right now.....I'll update tomorrow afternoon
man...I'm officially freaked the fuck out. I was just asleep and then there was some really loud thump on my wall followed by someone banging on my door. So I jumped up to the door and looked out the peephole and it was my neighbor. Since i was hardly clothed, still half asleep, and was startled enough to grab a steak knife on my way to the door I just sat there silent until he went away. Then another knock on the wall follwed by him coming back to the door and knocking again. I just stayed quiet and waited for him to leave again. It's been about an hour since that, but my heart rate is still insane and there's no way I'm getting any sleep and I'm definitely not doing anything until morning. Hopefully I can figure out what's going on.....I'm gonna feel really fucking bad though if the guy was in need of some kind of help or something. Then again, better safe than attacked by the shady guy next door at 3 am. I've never known what to make of the guy. He's never bothered me or anything and always responds when I say "hi" in passing....but I've also always gotten the impression that that's the full extent how much interaction I wanted with him...

oh more ridiculously-tired-3-am-stream-of-thought-forum- posting for me right now.....I'll update tomorrow afternoon

Let us know if he murders you!

duuuhhrrrr :>

Sounds fuckin creepy though...