noble savage
I know that there's no point in this rant, but I feel deeply offended by the means American businesses conduct themselves in regard to potential employees. Not only do you have to apply, you must also whore yourself to the company by calling back repeatedly, sending thank you notes and gifts, and generally debase yourself before the altar of their commercial indifference. I have yet to find a single company that gives even a modicum of concern to extend themselves half way to meet the potential employee in the process.
Like I said, I realize that asking that they treat me as a human being, with the minimum respect one should treat strangers met, would be an absurd request (that it is absurd and I know it is another outrage entirely). Yet all the effort is weighed upon the potential employee. Even for high school grads seeking college acceptance, the new game of "bribe us more than the other applicants and you'll be noticed" applies. How twisted and corrupt has this country become? I should not be surprised. I am not. I am, however, irritated.
What happened to the days when a man could approach an employer seeking assistance and shake his/her hand, say "I'm looking for a job, I'm willing to work hard" answer a few questions, and immediately begin? I should have been born in that era.
That is actually an excellent point and in some ways I have wondered why companies do that. At my interview, I made it perfectly clear why I am perfectly qualified. I don't have any experience working in book stores, but at my last job I learned almost everything in under a week. Not to mention there was a hell of a lot more pressure on perfection because screwing up expensive tires and rims can cost you a weeks pay for the damage.
I never once complained about anything and busted my fucking ass off for the entire time I worked there, even coming in on my days off to help the other guys out on busy days. When I got sick with strep throat and the stomach flu I still came!
You would think this is what employers are looking for, but think again! It comes down to how well you give a blow job. That's the only conclusion I could come up with after seeing the fuckwits employers hire!