Official Off Topic Thread

Meedleyx10 said:
speaking of pointless, close-minded posts made by complete idiots........

angelo's jazz fusion stuff isnt anything unique or special.....if you want shred-fusion listen to shawn lane. and why dont you post things after you've ACTUALLY HEARD THEM.....not something you've "heard reports on"

I love how just because you post your OPINION on something it is automatically a just because you dont put IMO it is no longer an opinion and becomes a fact? well hows this one: YOUR AN IDIOT!(no imo)

BTW, i havent heard you play so i wont say for certain (see how that works?), but im willing to bet my life that COOLEY OWNS YOU A HUNDRED TIMES OVER....IMO!

Actually I got to go to a great clinic with Angelo and he rocked! He played some speedy stuff of course but at the end of the thing I got to jam with him on some blues and he plays really cool blues. He also did a lot of really good sweeping and alt picking. Many people judge Angelo's ability from his Speed Kills video where some of his 5 string sweeps were sloppy but that was in like 90 or 91. It's only been 13 or 14 years since then and he's gotten smoother, faster, cleaner, and more compositional. He has a few new CD's out but none of that shows that he can write. If you want some good writing his best stuff that's been released if on his album No Boundaries. My fave track there is Rain Forest. He is a monster talent and if he had the chance or the passion he could write some good songs but right now he is with C4 and doing stuff that's fun for him including playign blazing solos and impressing everyone with his tricks and showmanship(doubleneck guitar). Everyone can think what they want and flame him like Francesco Ferarri gets flamed but that doesn't mean that Angelo doesn't have talent pouring out of him along with some compositional skills that are lying dormant waiting to be put to good use.
locke-d-n-loaded said:
Actually I got to go to a great clinic with Angelo and he rocked! He played some speedy stuff of course but at the end of the thing I got to jam with him on some blues and he plays really cool blues. He also did a lot of really good sweeping and alt picking. Many people judge Angelo's ability from his Speed Kills video where some of his 5 string sweeps were sloppy but that was in like 90 or 91. It's only been 13 or 14 years since then and he's gotten smoother, faster, cleaner, and more compositional. He has a few new CD's out but none of that shows that he can write. If you want some good writing his best stuff that's been released if on his album No Boundaries. My fave track there is Rain Forest. He is a monster talent and if he had the chance or the passion he could write some good songs but right now he is with C4 and doing stuff that's fun for him including playign blazing solos and impressing everyone with his tricks and showmanship(doubleneck guitar). Everyone can think what they want and flame him like Francesco Ferarri gets flamed but that doesn't mean that Angelo doesn't have talent pouring out of him along with some compositional skills that are lying dormant waiting to be put to good use.

Ill def ahve to check out some of his new stuff then, all the videos i have of him are not very impressive, i mean yeah the man can shred but his stuff is too monotonous to me and just gets old, dont get me wrong i think he is great at what he does just not my thing, but ill check out some of the new stuff, do oyu have any titles?

and on the topic of Farerri, i think the guy is a monster as far as chops go, and i think in the ocming years he will start to fal linto his own sound and develop some originallity, to quote someone over on the JP boards, i think if he really works on developing as a musician (the chops are already there) then he could easily bcome the seven string george bellas or maybe eventhe next rusty cooley.
I really enjoy watching guys like Fareri, Cooley and Angelo...but listening to them gets on my nerves. Yes they have super human speed but they can't help themselves....shred shred shred all the time. I know they spent many hours in their bedrooms becoming freaks and goddammit they didn't waste 10 hours of every day for 10 years to not shred but they just conjure up the same musical images time and time again.
If these guys can learn to phrase and to put their ego on the backburner they might be able to come up with some great pieces.
yeah baby forget romeo, fareri is the fucking GREATEST musician EVER!!!! and anyone who thinks differently has NO TASTE!!!!!! in fact, I'm seriously thinking of forfeiting my symphony x fanship to join francisco fareri's instead.. think someone so great would have me?