Official Off Topic Thread

advanced placement or some shit like that. Those classes are bullshit, because a lot of people i know who were in ap classes said it's easier than most of the "regular" classes. In fact, ap english was constantly referred to as "slacker english". now that doesn't seem right does it?
I took AP Psychology and that class was hard as hell! I didn't take the AP test because I knew I would blow it big time. It's a miracle I got a C in the class....Other AP classes at my school were always known to be very difficult, since you had to have certain prerequisites to get in anyway. Must depend on the school.
Hey there people :p

I need some advice. My hometown is full of people who listen to R&B, Trance and all that sort of crap, so it's really hard to find a person here who likes metal. Three weeks ago I met this 21 year old guy (I'm 16) (who has longer hair then me lol) and who absolutely loves to play drums with his band. He listens to Symphony X, Kamelot, Evergrey, Dream Theater, In Flames, Iced Earth, etc. and he played at progpower in Holland last year. Man, I like this guy really a LOT. He lives in my neighborhood and I had never seen him before! Now the thing is, he gave me his CD (which is really great) and I have to give it back someday. Only, when I mail him, he doesn't respond back anymore and once he forgot our date, which made me quite upsad.

I don't know what to do next. :erk: Should I keep going on and try to contact that guy, or should I give up and try to find someone else (but that seems hopeless, lol)?
Don't give up, but don't stalk him or be scary or anything. Just be natural. Shit, coulda been an honest mistake, he could be busy with other stuff like work and school. Could be something not so... pleasant, but just go with it, but don't force yourself upon him. Things'll work out either way.
So, today is "SPIRIT" day at the Middle School and all the kids are supposed to wear clothes and caps with either a sports team on it or the school logo, etc. My 12 and 14 year old daughters decided to go with Symphony X tees, sweatpants, hoodies, and a cap and beanie. They just left the house with a big grin.
I'm waiting for a telephone call from the guidance counselor. :loco:
:headbang: :headbang:
Pharoah said:
So, today is "SPIRIT" day at the Middle School and all the kids are supposed to wear clothes and caps with either a sports team on it or the school logo, etc. My 12 and 14 year old daughters decided to go with Symphony X tees, sweatpants, hoodies, and a cap and beanie. They just left the house with a big grin.
I'm waiting for a telephone call from the guidance counselor. :loco:
:headbang: :headbang:
I don't know how things are where YOU live, m'kay, but guys/gals working for the education system are generally cool with stuff like that, mkaaaay....

[/Makey mode]
Pharoah said:
So, today is "SPIRIT" day at the Middle School and all the kids are supposed to wear clothes and caps with either a sports team on it or the school logo, etc. My 12 and 14 year old daughters decided to go with Symphony X tees, sweatpants, hoodies, and a cap and beanie. They just left the house with a big grin.
I'm waiting for a telephone call from the guidance counselor. :loco:
:headbang: :headbang:

hmm - 12and 14 Eh? =)
I see Shreddi pop on my msn every now and then, not nearly as often as he used to, and only got to talk to him for a few minutes several days ago.. he's not around much lately for some reason *cries*