Official Off Topic Thread

Well FUCK they cancelled the Maiden concert, and it wasn't even because of the supposed snowstorm. Xerox Inc scheduled a convention for the same night, and they didn't notice until now?! This just blows my mind how a venue can schedule 2 events for the same night and not notice until the day before... or if they notice earlier how they didnt let anyone know
Wow, hmmmm....something to bitch about...

Oh yeah, well, I've gotten myself into some major credit card debt, and so I have no money. I want to go see Opeth, but it's probably better I use the money to pay off my cards. But one thing is for sure, I MUST see the IE/Bodom show, even if I'm broke. It's all Symphony X's fault I'm broke, making me travel all over the damn planet to see them ;) I shouldn't be complaining about that. So anyway, any donations are welcome.
So, here's something that baffles me:
There were these two old guys dressed up in suits, handing out bibles in my school's main hallway today. Now, I was under the impression that they couldn't do that on school property on account of the "seperation of church and state" stuff. When I was in junior high and high school, those dudes had to be certain distance from the school, usually out on the sidewalk. And today they were right there, in the building. Well, needless to say I did not take one from them. I just don't think its right, but that's just me.
i think you should get the satanic bible, tons of copies and hand them out... watch how fast they jump on your ass. Honestly... i want someone to dress up real nice in a suit and tie and hand out the satanic bible to see what the fuck happens.
SilentRealm said:
well wb satanic rabbit lol.. havent seen u in a while.


I've been around Silent, just not as much as I used to be. I'm usually pretty busy these days with work and stuff. I also seem to be posting more in the musician's forum now too.

As for my TV, the tech came and added 1 resistor and a capicator and replaced another resitor, he also swapped out the lamp unit, and the new one has a different bulb inside made by Osram. So far it has been fantastic...but it has only been three days. Everyone is coming over for the super bowl tomorrow so it better work. And finally CC shipped me my gift card that I've been waiting for, so I blew that already. Went and got an Onkyo Dobly Digital/DTS EX-ES 6.1 home theater system. I almost cried during the POD race in phantom menace today, it was so unbelievably awesome. Better than the movie theater. Now my wife is playing Finding Nemo on the Gamecube and it sounds like there are things creeping up behind me and I'm in the other room! :confused: It must be real good :D
I've gotta bring this thread back because I have an important question.

I'm trying to make a good black and tan but I have never been very successful.

The best one I ever had was in Ireland and it was made with Guiness and Smithwick's 1710 ale. So awesome. The second best I ever had was here in Oregon at a Red Robin. They used Guiness and Bridgeport IPA, which is a local Portland brew.

So, here I am with my Bridgeport IPA and Guiness (can of course) and I cannot seem to make a good black and tan.

I am using equal portions, pouring the ale first, then the guiness. After it's done it seems more like a black and brown, like I'm using too much Guiness, but I know that's not the case.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

C'mon Euros and Aussies, I know you have some insight.
So i'm bringing this thread back because i have nothing better to do. What the hell is going on with everybody? I have just been writing shit for the website ( </shameless plug>). School and work as well. i also realized about half hour ago that i have a 5 to 6 page paper due on orangutans in... er.... 2 days, which means i have one day to work on it, and i have yet to even start researching. Fuck me right up the goat ass. Well, what's everyone else up to?
I've been wasting my free time all week long. I'm working on an instrumental track and a informatics problem and I haven't touched those for like... 10 days.

Any ideas how to just sit down and...mmmbehave myself?
[/butters mode]
I'm also getting screwed by a school paper- 15 pages on human genetic engineering. o_O Shoot me in the face. It's due in 6 days and I have 6 pages done. it will be a miracle if I reach 10. It's taking all my time from doing any writing or drawing that I'd rather be doing. But I'm gonna see SymX in 3 days so screw everything else, that's all that matters.
yea - I just realized that SX is in 3 days, and then the reality of not being able to go just kills me inside =). Oh well, instead i'll get to sit in a record store listening to Symphony X, Ayreon, and Blind Guardian, so its not THAT bad =)

EDIT: It IS that bad =(
im just trying to survive AP US History. what a frkn useless class. NO ONE CARES!!!! its first period in my schedule, so its hard to stay awake. the teacher is this self-centered boring as hell fat guy who thinks he owns the place :bah: ...not that i have a thing against fat people, its just that he gives fat people a bad name, and thats not right. anyway he's one of those *economic historians*, who doesnt go over the wars, only the boring stuff. i cant wait til im done that class. i know everyone either has or has had a teacher that they absolutely cant stand. this is mine. theres really no way to put into words how horrible that class is.
Yeah I'm taking AP US Hist. too, except my teacher is the man. He's read like every book ever written on history, so he can tell us interesting about almost every topic. I dont plan on passing the AP test, but at least the class is fun
urinalcakemix said:
yea - I just realized that SX is in 3 days, and then the reality of not being able to go just kills me inside =). Oh well, instead i'll get to sit in a record store listening to Symphony X, Ayreon, and Blind Guardian, so its not THAT bad =)

EDIT: It IS that bad =(

Dude you are such a LAMER!! How can you let anything stop you from seeing SymX?? Oh well, more for me ;)

As for teachers I've hated, don't even let me list them. One in particular comes to mind was some essay writing class my sophmore year of high school...i swear my teacher hated me for some reason. Long story short, he basically told me I couldn't write, which was and is blasphemy. When I win the Nobel Prize one day(yeah right), I'll shove it in his face heh....
Haven't been posting here much, not that anyone has noticed. heh.. What's new around here anyways, in the ol' Symphony X board?

What's new with me you ask? Oh, you don't care? I'll tell you anyways. Just saw George Carlin live the other night and it was pretty goddamn funny. He's just getting sicker and more twisted with every show he does. Good shit.
the price might be be different for your school, but the whole concept is horrible. my teacher is the most boring person on the planet. i mean he's read all the books too, but, he should be a writer, not a teacher, cuz he cant relate to anyone younger than...50 that well. still, i'd need a miracle and a half to pass it.