Official Off Topic Thread

Ok I just heard two songs off of the new Iced Earth, and it was bad but... it just wasn't Iced Earth if ya know what I mean. It sounds so much more like traditional power metal with Owens on vocals, it kinda doesnt seem right.
Well happy new f**ing year everybody!!! I've been off a while because I thought there wasn't much going on here, but apparently, order has been restored in the Universe..(hehe) Just had two weeks of terribly boredom and "enforced recreation" (I.E. doing things with the 'wife') and am now fully loaded and ready for a brand new spanking year of great rocking proggy eh stuff...! Yeah! Bring it ON!!! :) :) let's get freakin' drunk!
You know I always kinda wished I could work at this one cool record store that sells cool metal because then I could blast awesome music in the store. But working retail sucks, even though I'm in the retail business now anyway. Well anyway, good luck with the new job d00d.
A friend of mine used to work in a little cd store. She was mainly responsible for turning it into a happening store by ordering all the 'hip' cd's instead of the moldy middle of the road stuff they had in there before she came. She had a blast working there, but was the first to go when they had to sack someone. She was the youngest employee so...that's how it works in the mean old big world today..suxxxxx!!! :(
anyway, I *knew* I was late. I'm always late. Dammit.
theodyssey said:
Listen to when the eagle crys (acoustic... haven't heard the real one yet but it's probly as bad) and you will know what i bitch about.

Matt Barlow does backing vocals on it, that's the only reason I like the song. It seems to be a cool tune, but for some odd reason the patriotic element seems cheesy. Don't get me wrong, I am quite patriotic, but I couldn't take this song that seriously.

Now "The Reckoning" was pretty cool, but daaaaaamn, I sure as hell miss Barlow. That was a big blow to me. If his heart was in America, he still shouldn't have left to work in homeland security, he should have recorded this PATRIOTIC album... grrrrrrr...
The Yngster said:
I saw The Last Samurai yesterday, and it pretty much owned everything... ever. Makes me wish wars were still fought with swords, they are infinitely more badass than guns.

Yeah, that movie's pretty damn awesome. How can you lose when a movie has ninjas in it? You can't, that's the answer. Other than the obvious awesome violence and gore, the movie itself was pretty good too, I guess, sorta.