Official Off Topic Thread


MD is a kind of a cross-breed between disks and CDs. A miniature CD in a durable plastic casing. It uses compression to fit up to four CDs worth of music onto one disc. (But at that point the audio quality starts to really suffer...)

MtG rocks. :D
[QUOTE='Shuggah]It uses compression to fit up to four CDs worth of music onto one disc. (But at that point the audio quality starts to really suffer...)[/QUOTE]

That's why mp3 players RULE! Come on people, see the light! Come to my side! ;)
I didn't end up getting the mini-disc player today because they didn't have what i need. I am not disputing that mp3 player is better amanda, but that won't work at all for what i'm needing it for. I'm not using it for music, i want it to record interviews and stuff, and it's supposed to be a really great way to do it... it came highly recommended by mark.
Well, I saw Symphony X for the first time last night and it was amazing. The would have been good enough, but they played the friggin Odyssey too. I really like how they did the orchestral part on that. Other highlights were Smoke and Mirrors, Sea of Lies, Wicked (even though I don't like the song, I admit it's GREAT live), and Inferno. What a night. Oh yeah, and Devin sucked.

After the show, despite it being in a small venue with a small turnout, the band was swarmed with fans holding Sharpies and album booklets. I briefly met each member, but I didn't get autographs. Who needs that bullshit? I just shook their hands.

Didn't want to start another concert review thread.
no, it's because *my* girlfreind (yeah, so i own you arglebargle :) ) pranked me, so my ego was going all yngwie-like, but Im over it now. XD XD XD

Now im all pissed off becuase I want to get a new amp. I dunno whether to get a Mesa Mark IV head or a Mesa Dual Rectifier, both with a 2X12 cabninet. But they add up to around $6000 here in Australia. And i don't have that money, so it will take a while of serious saving and not spendind a cent on CD's for ages!
Hey guys... A confession to make. I bought "V" today. Problem is, I waited 3 years. I have been living off of a burnt copy of the CD until today. Now that I own the cd, listened to it all the way through and read along in the liner notes, it is like a coming of age. This album is pure majesty, and listening to it today (the real thing) I have realized it yet again. Now, I have purged all my sins, and have detonated the burnt copy!!! RAISE YOUR FISTS TO THE SKY AND LISTEN TO "V"!