Official Off Topic Thread

I'd take winter over fall any day. At least I wouldn't have to put up with this annoying drizzle and dark, cloudy days. :D

Cheese is great. I love cheese too. What's your favourite? (Aura blue cheese here...Mmm...Aura... *drools*) :D
Zax666 said:
Yeah, there should be a size limit, not banning of pics.
My little Pharaoh dude wasn't causing any harm

For us in CT - we had a flurry last night - didnt stick nor last very long . I like winter - as a student, we all do (snow days - no school). Anyone going to the Toad's Place show - me and Yngster are meeting up @ the soundcheck . Hell - the venue put me on the Guest List YAY!

See ya later
It's pretty damn cold here and I hate it. And it was so windy the other night that it actually blew down a traffic light. And the windows of my apartment leak cold air so bad I feel like I'm living in a cardboard box. As for cheese...meh. Only on pizza.
lol! haha, good one.

But my school has another meaning of cheeze. For some strange reason, cum is refered to as 'cheeze'....i mean wtf?!?!? And no, i wasnt thinking of that when i said i liked cheeze hehehe.

And whenever i try to post in thread for now on, i will try to include my 'wtf quote of the day' so the winner for the wtf quote of the day is........'DONT CROSS THE CROOKED STEP!!!' by Dt, surely one of the biggest WTF?!?! moments in Prog history.
mmmmm. Krispy Kreme donuts \m/

I switched guitar picks today. For a couple of months I've been using those huge 3mm stubby ones, but they were too big and made alternate picking very awkward. I'm using the Dunlop Jazz III now, hopefully that will work out better. Oh yeah, my work is working me overtime this week for no fucking reason
You can get the same effect of a Krispy Kreme in a Dunkin Donut... Microwave for 10 seconds. and nothing beats DD's French Krullers, the only thing I will associate myself with "French"

and did I mention dunkin donuts are cheaper?