Official Off Topic Thread

So today is a crappy day and it's not over yet...

So yeah I decide to drive to the train station today, but all the parking places were taken. I parked in the parking garage a few blacks away where parking is allowed 9am to 5am. Mind you it was 6:45am. Despite this I begin my walk to the station. As I'm crossing a side street that intersects with the busy road, the car that I am passing in front of decided to make their right turn, bumping my leg as I try to jump out of the way. The guy raises his arms up, probably cursing as if it was my fault, but um, its like I'M A FUCKING PEDESTRIAN MAN!!! So anyway, I get to the train and as it starts to go, I reach into my bag for my wallet which holds my train pass. The wallet was conveniently absent. The conductor was pissed because I had to pay a $3.00 ticket with a $20 that I luckily had in my pocket. Oh yeah, and then later my mp3 player died. It better come back to life or I'll never survive the ride home. Hopefully my car will be there later. Um, so yeah that's my day so far.
Jigga Jigga??? :OMG: WTF?????

JUst found out a favourite band of mine (Fishbone) who wanted to call it quits (2 members leaving) will probably be continueing to exist anyway...


fIGHT FOR NUTTMEG!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
So I was glancing through my school newspaper today and read about an 18yr old that threatened to shoot a 33yr old because he thought he had his $10. Like he actually said he had a gun. $10!!

Anyway, what's really sad is that I'm becoming addicted to Pokemon the TV show. It's so bad. It happens to be on at the train station and I just got hooked. What sucks is (well, does it really suck?) I can only watch half of it cuz the train comes. Only a few more weeks and I won't take the train anymore. Hopefully I won't go on Pokemon withdrawls :Spin:
I used to watch pokemon all the time when it first came out on tv. Lots of people at my school did, so it wasnt like anyone was making fun of you for watching it. I ruled the game on gameboy too
Pokémon was quite fun while it lasted, but now that I've watched too much "real" anime I don't like it anymore. It looks too cheap and the plot isn't very varied. But pikachu IS cute. :D