Official Off Topic Thread

you should get that published.

Anyway, has anyone here ever been hypnotized? My aunt is a hypnotherapist and I went to her yesterday to help me with some severe anxiety I've been having, and let me tell you I felt a million times better. Not quite 100%, but soon I will be good as new.

So I was riding the bus this morning, which I both loathe and enjoy, when I noticed the kid that I don't like because he stares at me and is wierd put in Metallica's St. Anger to listen on headphones, and started headbanging and playing air guitar...oh the strength I needed to keep from laughing. I just looked out the window and enjoyed Kansas "Carry on my Wayward Son" on my mp3 player :D
im sick today, waaahh!!

I had to play guitar for the school stage band yesterday night. And i got tot play a solo, i just played as flashy and shreddy as i could because i didnt have a long one and i wanted to just get some respect from my peers. It was a school arts award night aka the most boring night of all time, i was really discusted with it too. All these no talent goodie goodies who kiss the teachers ass get all these award for this and that, but the people that actually have some talent like me dont get any awards. While they're getting recognised of being so great when they participate in every musical, play ect...I'm at home actually working my ass off playing guitar. It just pisses me off. I could go on all day about it, but i think you get the idea.
i think you misunderstod me. I couldnt take anymore time, i didnt stop, it wasnt a solo thing from me, i just got a bar solo in the school jazz band (or stage band) And the reason why Im not getitng any awards is becasue i dont participate in any of the musicals or plays etc...thats how you get them, not by the talent you have.
The Metal Chick said:
you should get that published.

Anyway, has anyone here ever been hypnotized? My aunt is a hypnotherapist and I went to her yesterday to help me with some severe anxiety I've been having, and let me tell you I felt a million times better. Not quite 100%, but soon I will be good as new.

So I was riding the bus this morning, which I both loathe and enjoy, when I noticed the kid that I don't like because he stares at me and is wierd put in Metallica's St. Anger to listen on headphones, and started headbanging and playing air guitar...oh the strength I needed to keep from laughing. I just looked out the window and enjoyed Kansas "Carry on my Wayward Son" on my mp3 player :D

Haha, a few years ago, I was that kid... Ahhh memories.
I'm getting screwed over by The End again (well not really). I changed the account email address and now it wont let me log in to any address. Anyone else having this problem? I found this band The Black Dahlia Project and they kick ass, and their cd is only 9 bucks. Amazingly, I found them from MTV! Maybe the new Headbanger's Ball doesn't suck so bad after all...
yeah ive heard that the headbangers bal are even giving Nevermore a few plays! But wait to you see the ozzy heavy shift. Its on every Tuesday night at 12 o clock. It used to be pretty good with some Mesuggah, Dimmu on, but latly its all just crappy numetal and all this shitty hard rock stuff.
The Yngster said:
I'm getting screwed over by The End again (well not really). I changed the account email address and now it wont let me log in to any address. Anyone else having this problem? I found this band The Black Dahlia Project and they kick ass, and their cd is only 9 bucks. Amazingly, I found them from MTV! Maybe the new Headbanger's Ball doesn't suck so bad after all...

Black Dahlia Murder.. I dunno maybe they changed their name or something but I saw those guys live with Arch Enemy and got to talk to them after the show. It turns out they got really lucky and got signed to Metal Blade, so all of a sudden, they're affiliated with MTV, touring with well-known bands (Six Feet Under), and getting all this free gear and shit. That's a sweet deal, but that band deserves it. It's really fun music to listen to in the car... makes you wanna speed.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
i think you misunderstod me. I couldnt take anymore time, i didnt stop, it wasnt a solo thing from me, i just got a bar solo in the school jazz band (or stage band) And the reason why Im not getitng any awards is becasue i dont participate in any of the musicals or plays etc...thats how you get them, not by the talent you have.

Hi Shreddi. You perform and display your talents for people like you did, and there will always be someone who will care and be interested (or intrigued). You often will not know it at the time. Don't be discouraged. It's impressive that you believe in yourself enough to do it. Hang on to that because these will be the truest and most meaningful awards.
thanks man, people have been coming up to me asking "dude, how do you play so fast" or "i never thought a guy like you could ever be good at anything, but you are at guitar", compliments i guess. Its just that im pissed at the fact that it doesnt take talent to get musical honours, you just have to participate in heaps of functions, you know what I'm saying. Theres this fucking amazing classical virtuoso pianist in year 10, she didnt get musical honours because she hasnt participated in any school musical or function, yet shes a freek. While a guy in year 9 names Jerald cant play piano for shit (i think I'm even better than him, and that doesnt take much) yet he gets full musical honours because he's played (in lack of a better term) in every musical and play and school function. It just sucks so much, but hey who going to have a career in 10 years, me and this classical pianist, or guys like Jerald?
I'm a bit unfamiliar with this honours system. Could somebody explain it? In the Finnish equivalent of jr.high there are only three courses in music (a course equals about 40 hours of guided education) and - depending on the school - some elective courses. In my sr. high we had one mandatory course in music and 4 elective ones.
The courses are graded from 4 to 10, 10 being the best, but other than that... Well, it´s pretty difficult for me to say whether we have any kind of honours system here, since I don´t really know how it works. :D

I took probably every possible course but didn't start getting good grades before I really learned to play something more than just 'tallica. (In retrospect, I should've played guitar more and computers less - now I´m too old to learn to shred. :D )

Shreddi, Teachers are vile and random beings that are guided by an ill will bent on menace upon poor unsuspecting pupils. ;) I remember from my school days that the music teacher always valued certain students more no matter how hard we others tried. For our last elective course we got a stand-in and "the boys" (in my year, all the girls were hell-bent on pop/rock music whereas all the boys were die-hard metallists) actually had a chance to stand out. (In the form of an instrumental movie theme medley. :D )

Anyway, I was just wondering, what other ways are there for teachers to measure the skills of a student - in music, for example - than the aforementioned school plays and such? As I understand, honours are a reward for a display of skill and effort. (Perhaps the teachers are putting too much weight on effort in Jeralds case?) Maybe you should go to the plays and whatnot and just give'em hell? :D

Well... I am somewhat unfamiliar with the australian school system, so I really can't tell. But keep your head up. At least I'm cheering for you. :D
Serge... said:
Black Dahlia Murder.. I dunno maybe they changed their name or something but I saw those guys live with Arch Enemy and got to talk to them after the show. It turns out they got really lucky and got signed to Metal Blade, so all of a sudden, they're affiliated with MTV, touring with well-known bands (Six Feet Under), and getting all this free gear and shit. That's a sweet deal, but that band deserves it. It's really fun music to listen to in the car... makes you wanna speed.
Yeah, I kept getting there name wrong for awhile, dont know why. But if the rest of the cd is as good as Contagion, I think I'm going to be very happy
...Shreddi, Teachers are vile and random beings that are guided by an ill will bent on menace upon poor unsuspecting pupils...[/QUOTE]

Hey, asswipe, my mom's a teacher and she's nothing like the ones you and Shreddie mentioned.

I'm not insulted, but don't generalize so easily.