Official Off Topic Thread

cant beat that Metal Chick, only put in a bit of Willie Nelson and Kate Bush and it might make it a little worse:lol:

And im so happy now, today was the first day of term at school, and i was pissed coz as you guys know - school sucks! and my neighbours take me there on Monday and Tuesday (today's monday) and they thought it was a holiday today and they couldnt go because they were allready late and by the time they got ready for school it would be even more late, so they decided not to go. My parents was getting ready to go to work so i get to stay home today too! haha kickass \m/ isnt it.
University rocks.

I´ve got 12 hours of lectures per week. :D

Ok, add to that the additional homework required and we´re up to 24, but who does homework anyway? ;)

Anybody played Space Empires IV? It's totally addicting. :D
The Metal Chick said:
two more years after this and I'm free FOREVER!!!!
Don't worry. In a few years you'll wish you were back! :)

Well, not everybody loves school as much as I do, I guess.

I spent 18 years out there in the "real" world, and just couldn't stand it anymore, so I finally went back to college. Two more years after this and I'll have my PhD finished, but I won't be free forever until I get tenure. Tenured professors are by far the most free of anybody. I'll just have TA's teach all my classes and do all my research, and I'll sit in my office and listen to Symphony X!

The other day, I was actually playing some Iron Maiden in the auditorium I teach in, before class started. I think some of the students were surprised, since I don't really look like a metalhead.
That room was specifically built for multimedia presentations, so the sound was great.
Hyoukinmono said:
The other day, I was actually playing some Iron Maiden in the auditorium I teach in, before class started. I think some of the students were surprised, since I don't really look like a metalhead.
That room was specifically built for multimedia presentations, so the sound was great.

I wish you were my teacher!! What do you teach anyway?
The Metal Chick said:
I wish you were my teacher!! What do you teach anyway?
Well, there are still open seats in the class!:)

This semester I'm teaching "Religion in Japanese Society." In previous years I've done first/second/third year Japanese, as well as Japanese literature and history.

Last year, I actually had a few metalheads in the class. I was using a Blind Guardian cd as a prop when I was teaching how to ask for things in Japanese, and three or four of the students suddenly got very interested. Their first words were a disbelieving "You like Blind Guardian?" So then of course I had to go into the whole thing about how I was an experienced headbanger long before they were even born, and all that.:)

None of them had heard Symphony X, but they're fans now!:) (I wanted to make it a requirement for passing the class, but the department wouldn't go for it...)

Fall in Varna is traditionally great...

The leaves are getting yellow...

The weather is very soft...

And I'm speaking nasally, which means I've got some light cold. :)

And you know what?

I don't care. :cool:

p.s. Seriously.
New Subject

I'm just wondering if anyone on this board is into any martial arts? I just starting taking Wing Chun, it's a lot of fun (rhyme). If so, what style(s) and how long have you been doing it?
I also have a question.... tattoo's. What do y'all think of them and such? I am thinking of getting some... not a ton, but mabey one or two and i wanna know what y'all think.
Yngvai X knows more about this coz i was talking to him wile it happened, but i dont wanna rant too much about it. All i can say is that 13/14 y/o teenage girls are stupid and immiture.