Official Off Topic Thread

Yeah my old comp is the same way. Just about everything is wrong with it. My cousin's friend, who is the tech support man for his ENTIRE college campus had absolutely no idea what to do with it.
then thats a fucked up computer man.

And i got the Angra Live in Sao Pualo cd, and it rawks!
Anquillis does a great drum solo, proving he's more than a dugudugudugu power metal drummer, hes more of a prog drummer really. Its really cool how Edu ABSOLUTLY inialates Matos (warning-comparison) even in songs like Carrey On, he gets all the high notes that Matos did without sounding nearly as gay. And kiko!, what can i say..they dude rips. Highlights - Time, Unholy Wars, Acid Rain.
my gripe with it is that they didnt play Judgment Day.
When about everything is wrong with a computer, in my experience it's always and only the mainboard that's f***ed up.

Get a new computer, though... new computers :headbang:!!!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
then thats a fucked up computer man.

And i got the Angra Live in Sao Pualo cd, and it rawks!
Anquillis does a great drum solo, proving he's more than a dugudugudugu power metal drummer, hes more of a prog drummer really. Its really cool how Edu ABSOLUTLY inialates Matos (warning-comparison) even in songs like Carrey On, he gets all the high notes that Matos did without sounding nearly as gay. And kiko!, what can i say..they dude rips. Highlights - Time, Unholy Wars, Acid Rain.
my gripe with it is that they didnt play Judgment Day.

If you think Kiko's performance on there was great, you need to see the guitar/bass duel he has with Felipe on the DVD thats not on the CD. :OMG:
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
im on holidays now...for about 3 or 4 days. So thats cool, coz school sucks ass. Opeth might be coming down here in December, and thats a big deal to me because Oepth are the only good band that comes down here and i havent seen a metal band in my life!! So im just shitting myself because if its 18+ i cant go, so im just waiting for the tour dates to come up..

meh, errrrr, waaaaa, baahhhhh!!
Shreddi, in Australia, if you're not 18, can you go with a parent or "guardian" who's over 18 who will be responsible for you? It's that way here. I would call the club or venue and get the details. I'd bet you could work this out, cause I'm sure you know some people over 18 who would go see Opeth.
When I was 14, my Dad took me to a couple hard rock niteclubs just cause he was glad to know where I was at and what I was doing, even tho he hated every minute of it. Steppenwolf was one of those shows...hehe Ask your Dad if you can't get a way in. You'll get to see Opeth! Ask Chris Brooks!!!
Pharoah said:
Shreddi, in Australia, if you're not 18, can you go with a parent or "guardian" who's over 18 who will be responsible for you? It's that way here. I would call the club or venue and get the details. I'd bet you could work this out, cause I'm sure you know some people over 18 who would go see Opeth.
When I was 14, my Dad took me to a couple hard rock niteclubs just cause he was glad to know where I was at and what I was doing, even tho he hated every minute of it. Steppenwolf was one of those shows...hehe Ask your Dad if you can't get a way in. You'll get to see Opeth! Ask Chris Brooks!!!

Are you sure about that? When I was 12 I wanted to get into an 18+ show, and even though I was with my brother who was 20 something at the time, I could not get in. We snuck in eventually, which is another story, but having a guardian does not allow for a minor's entry. That "guardian" might buy the minor some never know. It's all about saving the venue's liquor licnese.
The Metal Chick said:
Are you sure about that? When I was 12 I wanted to get into an 18+ show, and even though I was with my brother who was 20 something at the time, I could not get in. We snuck in eventually, which is another story, but having a guardian does not allow for a minor's entry. That "guardian" might buy the minor some never know. It's all about saving the venue's liquor licnese.
OK, I'm not sure about the "guardian" part, but...there has not been any problem with Sharon and I taking the kids to club shows, even clubs that sell alcohol, even when they were 10, 12, and 15 years old. I'm sure we would not get the vote for "parents of the year" for doing this, but, we go for the music, we're a family that are all really into music. Call the club or venue and ask, you'll be surprised. We even took our son's 15 year old friend along to Obsessions Club to see SymX (we called first to be sure it would be OK, and we were "guardians" for him).
BTW..we don't drink!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
thanks Pharoah, if its 18+ I'll definatly be ringing the venue up to see, thats a real help.
definitely look into that shreddy... in adelaide, at the metal bars, they tag the over 18's so all ages can get in. if they dont do that in brissie, seriously consider a move to adelaide, lol!!
yeah shreddi if its an over 18 venue, consider getting your parents to take you, and get your dad to have a talk to the venue manager to tell them ur situation. anything to see them right? man when are they coming! it would be good if its late December when I'm hopefully all moved, settled and organised.. i would love to be able to go. OR..hmm if theyre coming to Sydney early dec. i MIGHT be able to get babysitting..hmm..ok light bulb just went off..
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
then thats a fucked up computer man.

And i got the Angra Live in Sao Pualo cd, and it rawks!
Anquillis does a great drum solo, proving he's more than a dugudugudugu power metal drummer, hes more of a prog drummer really. Its really cool how Edu ABSOLUTLY inialates Matos (warning-comparison) even in songs like Carrey On, he gets all the high notes that Matos did without sounding nearly as gay. And kiko!, what can i say..they dude rips. Highlights - Time, Unholy Wars, Acid Rain.
my gripe with it is that they didnt play Judgment Day.

YEAH!!! it really rocks!!! and,,, I WAS THERE!!!
2 (almost) years ago...

Acid Rain really rocks in this album!!!
Chicago must be the only place in the world that doesn't do the guardian thing. They are REAL paranoid about underage people going into certain clubs. When it's all ages of course they don't mind, but if it's 18+ and especially 21+ then I'm always screwed. Well, I'm gonna be 20 in 2 days so I'm almost free!! Not that I want to drink anyway. I just wanna see the damn show!!!
ya know, because any decent show is so rare up here in the freezer, almost every concert is all-ages. they just wrist-tag all the over 21's, and as far as i know, kids dont have to have a parent/guardian with them... at least when we went to see godsmack a couple of months ago, no-one questioned my daughter as to whether or not she had a parent/guardian with her.
Today is my birthday and I didn't want to start a new thread. I'm really bored at school right now so I'm announcing my official passage out of teenagerness. 20. woo. My Italian class sang Happy Birthday in Italian it was funny. Buon Compleanno to me!
Happy Birthday Metal Chick, hope it was a good one.

As of now I'm going through the crappiest week of school ever. In three days, I had one history project, two english essays, 2 science tests, a surprise history test, and lots of math homework. [/whining]