Official Off Topic Thread

I find it strange to see that post, Yngvai X, since most people I know (including myself) have taken (or are taking) the opposite path. I myself listen to "pure" (non prog) metal bands only once in a while, and a few years ago I was megadeth's fan nº1:)
@KBR, i'm not bashing on you just to be clear. I just think you forget a lot of the time that we aren't the pop snobs you are always around in the real world, and we are all in the same situation. Without fail whenever i mention i like metal i get "you mean like Korn/Linkin Park/Limp Bizkit/Disturbed/other shit". And also, i consider myself to be fairly knowledgable in the metal realm. Sure, i don't know much other than metal, but it doesn't really do much for me so i don't waste my time. That doesn't mean i'm closed minded. I've tried it all... some stuff does it for me. I like prince, barry white, some o them's. But most stuff i don't listen to because it's just not worth my time. And i know my metal for the most part (not EVERYTHING about EVERY band, but a lot more than most... i do my research). So the point is this is where you come for sanctuary from the normal every day crap. I'm not saying you should leave, just remember we're all in the same boat. we all need people to talk to to keep us sane :D
i have to add... i'm not claiming barry white is good. Just fun as hell to listen to... plus he's a pimp (r.i.p.)
And prince... what can i say? Purple rain is amazing.
ElPredicador said:
I find it strange to see that post, Yngvai X, since most people I know (including myself) have taken (or are taking) the opposite path. I myself listen to "pure" (non prog) metal bands only once in a while, and a few years ago I was megadeth's fan nº1:)

Yeah I know its kind of friend always jokes that I haven't gotten more mature in my musical taste with time, only less mature :lol: . But then again, I started backwards. Most people started with simpler metal, maybe got tired of it and found prog. I started with prog, got tired of it, and went to more streamlined power metal type stuff.
i think KBR thinks that we are all power-metal snobs, which is definatly not the case. Even though alot of people like cheezy power metal, doesnt mean they're ignorant to other styles or are closed-minded, it just means that they like power-metal...nothing wrong with that.
Personly i hate powermetal (other than some bands like angra) but i have respect to thoses who do, and you have to too!
And metal isnt my fav' genre of music right now anyway...jazz/fusion is amazing me now like no metal ever has (im still a metalhead tho!) but it just shows that because people like metal...doesnt mean they know less about music than you do
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I feel that i have heard a lot more music styles than some people here
I don't think that it's an issue of how many music styles people here have heard (and I am pretty sure that most people here have heard a rather wide range of things), but more that people have found what they like best, often much more than other kinds of music.

I listen to a lot of different things (including something as strange and inaccessible as ancient Japanese court music--even the people who are really into it don't expect anybody else to like it!), but music with a combination of power, speed, melody, and complexity is what I like best. So I listen to metal and classical music more than anything else.

I like other things (including Kate Bush, by the way), but certain things are able to create a deeper connection with me than others. And there are lots of people who connect with music that really does nothing for me, regardless of whether the music is well done or not. I talk mostly about what I like the most, so people probably misinterpret my musical tastes as being a lot narrower than they really are.

And what I expect from certain types of music is different from what I expect from other types. I really, really enjoy HammerFall, but I'm not listening to get the same thing I am when I listen to Opeth, for example. I want something different from that when I listen to Cheap Trick. And something different again when I listen to Handel. And something different again when I listen to traditional Japanese music. So just because I really love power metal, it doesn't mean that I don't know (and appreciate) a wide range of music. I think that the same principle would apply to most people who frequent this discussion board.
OK, power metal IS cheesy, and is, most definitelly GAY. BUT there is good cheesy and bad cheesy, good - Edguy, bad - Hammerfall. Plus Helloween's Dark Ride wasn't cheesy at all.

And the lyrics suck on a general basis, but SO WHAT, DUDE?

Don't make no sense, do I? Of course I don't. I'm a power metal guitarist, WTF do you EXPECT?!?!?!!?
i personally dun really like powermetal at all.. it grates on my nerves those yodelling vocals. reason i like 'prog' at the moment is its diverse in its genre. and even now i do find myself running out of bands to keep me interested. syx has its staying power, but even then i dont listen to it that much anymore, but when im down i always stick it on to lift my spirits. i think im pretty open minded with new things including new styles of music. i just try to go forwards not backwards, and backwards for me is the mainstream crap i used to listen to before metal slapped me upside the head.

i'd have thought though that kbr has been reading this forum long enough to know what we are like here and what our tastes in music are and what other things we are open to.
My thoughts on KBR:

On one hand, I respect you for your wide musical taste (more power to you, wish I had the time of day to listen to all that stuff).

On the other hand, he strikes me as the type of arrogant "all-music" fan. Stuff like "you people are too conditioned to heavy metal" is an insult. I listen to more than metal, and I'm sure that everyone else here does.

Uh, yeah, that's my short rant. (you weren't expecting something insightful, were you??)
i think arglebargle put it best. and WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HAMMERFALL!!!!???? :D

But seriously, hammerfall rules. I'm not disputing the cheeze factor, but still... c'mon! I still think manowar is infinately worse.
Hyoukinmono said:
I don't think that it's an issue of how many music styles people here have heard (and I am pretty sure that most people here have heard a rather wide range of things)
I was actually thinking of you when I wrote that post. You also seem to have heard more than most people on this message board.
are we still on the topic of teh gathering? I thought that was done with a while ago. i'm totally confused.

Anyway, i've been listening to dead heart in a dead world a lot lately... it's fuckin' sweet. And i am cleaning my room. In fact, i took all my posters down. My wall is plastered with all kinds of metal posters... everything from borknagar to king diamond and mercyful fate, iced earth, sonata arctica, sentenced, kotipelto, avantasia... so i took all o thems down to re-arrange and such. I also moved a few things around, it's not that big of a deal, but it's the most excitement i've had in a while. I don't know if any of you have ever done this but it's the wierdest thing to walk into your room and just see blank walls when you are used to color everywhere.
Best thing I've seen whole day
