Official Off Topic Thread

So yeah, I finally saw the tourdates of Europe today on Symphony X's site. I'm very happy they are coming to Holland again (on monday and on tuesday!). But besides that I'm also very sad... My brother, who's one of their biggest fans I know (and especially Mike Romeo!), can't go to see them because he already has to go to somewhere else. He's going to Austria for some health things (which is important of course) and will come back the day after Symphony X left Holland again.

Owwwww, I really want him to go with me! :yell:
I hope SymX will come next year again.
thought you people would be used to me changing my avatar all the time now.. the reason for me changing it again this time was coz i posted on the opeth forum and thought ma last pic of me was too wholesome for that a lamb amongst scary gothy looking wolves, but then i hated the one i put now i put up this one.. pretty cool dontcha think..:D i love how the blade is so close to her eyeball, though u cant really see how close it is in the avi pic..but one wrong move and..eek.

anyway what was my point for posting here? oh yeah, russell held your daughters hand and said thanx for coming? gets weak in the knees.. i wish he would do that to me sometime if i ever saw them. maybe i should take my son along to the! although..hmm..
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
KBR, wow! i thought you were pretty arrogant, but in the "comfortable with my poinion" arrogant, but that comment is just so fucking judgmental and false and arrogant, that i wont even try to change your mind
I'm not really all that arrogant. I don't see why it is that i ask why everyone thinks the Gathering suck, and suddenly i'm treated as if i were a musical Hitler. Would you have given the same treatment to those who asked why people thought Edguy suck?

omg I thought it would never happen! my 14 year old nephew just IM'd me and said he downloaded a bunch of SymX songs and loves them. I never thought he would get into them since I thought he was into like alt rock and stuff like that. But YAY I feel like I've done my duty to spread the word of greatness to those in need lol. I'm trying to convince him to buy the CD's...I think it's working :D
lol i been slowly trying to convert some dude i started talking to about a week ago over. first i sent him inferno, he liked that, then i sent absence of light..he really liked that, then i sent awakenings, and he loved that..then communion and the oracle, and it took him a bit but he got into that too.. i sent all of those songs because theyre styles are all so completely different, i thought it was a pretty good way of showing a more complete package of what symphony x is about. so now he has been looking to buy their cd's, and thats the one who asked about how to get tickets to the phoenix show.

plus i converted my ex over to syx slowly but surely..its a good thing he is pretty much on a similar level as me with music tastes (though more mainstream focused than i am), so it was easy there.. his fav syx song is awakenings.
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I'm not really all that arrogant. I don't see why it is that i ask why everyone thinks the Gathering suck, and suddenly i'm treated as if i were a musical Hitler. Would you have given the same treatment to those who asked why people thought Edguy suck?

I agree, KBR did nothing wrong.

Plus Edguy don't actually suck.
Silent, watch out who you're calling cheezy (Ajren is my hero, mind you)!

I think WE ALL SHOULD avoid STRONG WORDS a little more, don't you think?!?!? :grr:

anyway, no one ever said KBR is a music nazi. Personally, i don't like how he has the attitude of 'if you don't listen to tons of different music styles, you aren't into music'. To be honest, KBR is one of the most difficult people here to have a discussion with because he seems to be as closed minded to other oppinions as he claims everyone else is. I hate to say it, but it's true. Like i said before i want this place to be a cool place to come and interact. That's my 2 cents.
I've heard about two songs from the Gathering, but I didn't really dig what I heard. It was a live DVD, though, so perhaps the songs would sound a little different on a studio album, but still, nothing breathtaking.

Could somebody call me a nazi too? I think I'd like that. :D
theodyssey said:
i don't like how he has the attitude of 'if you don't listen to tons of different music styles, you aren't into music'. To be honest, KBR is one of the most difficult people here to have a discussion with because he seems to be as closed minded to other opinions as he claims everyone else is.
I don't think there is anything wrong with my attitude. I'm just a bit sick of pop fans acting like music experts when they really haven't ever heard any non-mainstream music (i.e. not pop). I find that all the power metal fans i've ever known in real life seem to be totally oblivious to styles of music outside metal and hard rock. I must be sub-consciously making generalistations about power-metal fans here. (OK this might sound really arrogant) I feel that i have heard a lot more music styles than some people here (not naming any names). Sorry.

I'll try to be less annoying in future. :cool:
i dont pretend that im not still new in metal styles, i think im slowly branching out, a big reason for joining this forum was to find out what other music people recommended.
years ago I was the biggest prog snob. Now I don't even really like prog too much anymore (aside from the more metal oriented progmetal bands). Now I just care more about good riffs, neoclassical shred stuff and symphonic stuff. Most of my fav bands are powermetal, but I like non powermetal bands a lot too like Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, Strapping Young Lad, Pantera.

I was thining about this earlier, that aside from classical music, metal is the most diverse genre around in terms of tonal colors the such. You can go from very melodic uplifting music like Nightwish to very evil stuff like Borgir and everything in between. I don't feel I should limit myself to one particular genre of metal, tho theres nothing wrong with having a favorite one.