Official Off Topic Thread

Yngvai X said:
its ok, I recently saw a few people in here bash one of the greatest metal bands around today, Edguy. :p I guess the level of prog snobbery is higher than I thought, since Edguy is one of the only power bands Ive seen more prog and trad metal fans warm to (besides Angra). I mean, c'mon, when Tobi sounds so much like Dickinson how can you not like them? And his Avantasia side project is just sheer genius.
I haven't heard Edguy but I doubt i would like them, since I have an extreme distaste for traditional power metal, and I hate Bruce Dickinson's 80s metal style.
I downloaded a couple of Avantasia songs and they were OK at first but soon because so annoying and cheesy that i had no option but to delete them.
I DID like Edguy's Mandrake album, but the Avantasia stuff just didn't "grab" me, it seemed patternish power metal to me.

Same with the gathering, in the opposite direction. They didn't sound like ANYTHING I had heard and liked before.
Kate Bush Rules! said:
Hey I just noticed that everyone here dislikes The Gathering. Are they not cheesy enough for you?

I don't mean to sound whiney, but why do you all dislike them? What songs have you heard? I always thought of them as a pretty likeable band.

Ya, you hit the nail on the head. We don't like The Gathering because they're not cheesy enough.

i don't like the gathering because they suck ass. Sorry for calling them "donkey nuts"... just replace that phrase with "horrendous piece of crap" and we'll be cool. Seriously though, they have no emotion and they are monotonous, boring, etc. etc.

As for Edguy/Avantasia, edguy is one of the best live bands i have seen. Just amazing. Avantasia kicks ass, though i am not a huge fan of avantasia part 2, though The first and fifth tracks absolutely slay (i love david's voice!). I haven't listened to much else of it.

And finally, i'm back from progpower
theodyssey said:
Seriously though, they have no emotion and they are monotonous, boring, etc. etc.
Boring because they have no shredding or fast riffs (they have some heavy ones though)? No screeching or whining? You = Too conditioned to metal!

Yngvai X said:
whats the world coming to when a "metal" fan can't stand Iron Maiden?
I rarely like metal in its absolutely pure form. Also, I think that Iron Maiden generally writes terrible songs (all of which are in the same key), and are too predictable.
actually, you are just making assumptions about me now. i don't buy shit for fast riffs or shreading. I buy it for emotion or balls. Nightwish has emotion, though little in terms of fast riffs or shreading. have you heard sleeping sun? you are just talking out yer ass. As for being conditioned to metal, it's not all i listen to, though i'm not even going to try to justify my cd collection to you. Most cds i own are metal. That doesn't make me closed minded. The thing about metal is that it is diverse. You got Otyg (swedish FOLK metal where the folk is more predominant than the metal)... ok, i'm tired. i'm not going to change your mind. I don't like the gathering because they have nothing to offer. end of story. go away. everyone just LEAVE ME ALONE!!! *breaks down into tears of rage*

By the way, i got dead heart in a dead world by nevermore... it's goddamn killer. Sure it doesn't have the shredding, but the songs kick much ass.
KBR, wow! i thought you were pretty arrogant, but in the "comfortable with my poinion" arrogant, but that comment is just so fucking judgmental and false and arrogant, that i wont even try to change your mind
Well I finally!!!! Star One. Cheesy space metal, generally not my thing at all..BUT...oh my god Russell is so great, my knees would surely tremble in this mans presence..sighs..* i envy his fiancee *
SilentRealm said:
Well I finally!!!! Star One. Cheesy space metal, generally not my thing at all..BUT...oh my god Russell is so great, my knees would surely tremble in this mans presence..sighs..* i envy his fiancee *

You changed your Avatar (again) just when I starting this reply!!
When we went to Birch Hill Club in Jersey last year we took our kids, and we were in front of the stage. I was behind my daughters (ages 11 and 13 at the time) and had my arms to the sides of them. Anyway, they think Russ is very special too, and in the middle of Church of the Machine, he jumped off the stage, ran to them and took each of their hands and said to them "Thanks so much for coming" Well, Kelly lost feeling in her legs and almost went down. It was something they will never forget. The other kids at school have Justin Timberlake on their notebooks, the girls have Russ. WHO'S THAT???!!! (American Idol!!) :Spin: